c# - Authorize(Roles="Admin") does not work -
i'm writing asp.net application identity authorization engine. wrote custom user , role stores , seem work correctly. however, unknown reason, attempt use authorize
role on controller's action fails , redirects home/index
. action looks following:
[authorize(roles = "admin")] public actionresult manage() { return view(); }
the redirection being done silently, cannot hook debugger anywhere (especially action filtering being done before running action).
i guess may not enough diagnose problem, tell me in comments, additional information need , i'll edit question.
why doesn't work?
edit: configuration in startup.cs
public void configuration(iappbuilder app) { dataprotectionprovider = app.getdataprotectionprovider(); app.createperowincontext<applicationusermanager>(() => dependencyresolver.current.getservice<applicationusermanager>()); app.usecookieauthentication(new cookieauthenticationoptions { authenticationtype = "applicationcookie", loginpath = new pathstring("/account/login") }); }
edit: action:
[allowanonymous] public async task<actionresult> index() { // returns false if (user.isinrole("admin")) system.diagnostics.debug.writeline("ok"); var usermanager = unityconfig.container.resolve<applicationusermanager>(); // returns true if (await usermanager.isinroleasync(user.identity.getuserid<int>(), "admin")) system.diagnostics.debug.writeline("ok"); return view(); }
a couple of things check:
- what login page set to? i'm guessing either unauthenticated or unauthorized, , mvc sending login page (which set or defaulted "/"
- if sure logged in (authenticated), double check user indeed have admin role (is authorized).
- i believe user store has method can override see what's returned user's roles. it's worth setting breakpoint there , see what's going on.
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