sql server - how to call function inside a trigger? -

what problem @temp variable?

create function dbo.getnumofreviews2 (@email varchar(40)) returns int begin declare @numofreviews int     select @numofreviews =  count(*)     dbo.reviews     email = @email     group email return @numofreviews  end  create trigger setdiscount on dbo.[contains] insert     declare @orderid int     declare @productid int     declare @size varchar(15)     declare @temp int     if cursor_status('global','c_cursor')>=-1         begin          deallocate c_cursor         end     declare c_cursor cursor     select productid,orderid,size     inserted     begin         open c_cursor         fetch next c_cursor @productid,@orderid,@size         while (@@fetch_status=0)             begin                 @temp =  dbo.getnumofreviews2(select billingemail dbo.orders orderid=@orderid)                 if (select count(*)                     dbo.[contains]                     orderid = @orderid) > 5 or (select sum(quantity) dbo.[contains] orderid=@orderid) > 10 or                     ( @temp )> 5                         update [contains]                         set [savings%] = [savings%] + 0.05                         orderid = @orderid , productid = @productid , size = @size                 fetch next c_cursor @productid,@orderid,@size             end      end 

use select call scalar function

correct way be

select @temp = dbo.getnumofreviews2(billingemail)  dbo.orders  orderid=@orderid 

note: not advisable write big logic inside trigger. triggers should simple , fast otherwise dml operations slow. have used cursor should avoided @ cost. rewrite code using set based approach.

here set based approach code

;with cte       (select c1.orderid             dbo.[contains] c1                  inner join inserted i1                          on i1.orderid = c1.orderid           group  orderid           having count(*) > 5                   or sum(quantity) > 5                   or @temp > 5)  update c  set    [savings%] = [savings%] + 0.05    [contains] c         inner join inserted                 on i.orderid = c.orderid                    , i.productid = c.productid                    , i.size = c.size                    , exists (select 1                                  cte c1                                 c1.orderid = c.orderid)  


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