javascript - Issue with selector in Ajax result using jQuery -

i have page contains cube...
when user click on cubes, cube's width , height change , related content fetch using ajax.
ajax result html page itself, have jquery commands.
please @ result page:


<div id="wrapperproducts"> <div class="products" id="maincontent">    </div><!-- # maincontent -->   <div class="products" id="rightpanel">    </div><!-- # rightpanel -->   <div class="products" id="footerpanel">      <div class="arr" id="arrowrightfooter">        <img src="images/arrows/light/arrowright.png" width="30" height="30"  alt=""/>      </div><!-- # arrowrightfooter -->      <div id="thumbwrapper">         <div class="thumb" id="t1">          </div><!-- # t1 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t2">          </div><!-- # t2 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t3">          </div><!-- # t3 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t4">          </div><!-- # t4 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t5">          </div><!-- $ t5 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t6">          </div><!-- # t6 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t7">          </div><!-- # t7 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t8">          </div><!-- # t8 -->         <div class="thumb" id="t9">          </div><!-- # t9 -->      </div><!-- # thumbwrapper-->       <div class="arr" id="arrowleftfooter">        <img src="images/arrows/light/arrowleft.png" width="30" height="30"  alt=""/>      </div><!-- # arrowleftfooter -->    </div><!-- # footerpanel --> 

and css:

div#logo div#wrapperproducts {     width:100%;     height:100%;     background:url(../images/27.jpg) no-repeat;  } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#maincontent {     left:0;     top:60px;     width:80%;     height:70%;     float:left;     /*background-color:red;*/    } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#rightpanel {     right:-10px;     top:0;     width:20%;     height:100%;     float:right;     position:absolute;     /*background-color:blue;*/   } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#footerpanel {     bottom:0;     left:0;     position:absolute;     width:80%;     height:30%;     /*background-color:#096;*/ } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#thumbwrapper {     width:90%;     height:100%;     margin:auto;     margin-right:5%;     overflow:hidden;     white-space:nowrap;     /*background-color:;*/ } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#thumbwrapper .thumb {     width:170px;     height:100%;     margin-right:2px;     right:0;     display:inline-block;/*inline-block*/     position:relative;     direction:rtl;     background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255, 0.2), rgba(255,255,255, 0) );     background-color:transparent;  } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#footerpanel div.arr {     position:absolute;     width:30px;     height:30px;     cursor:pointer; } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#footerpanel #arrowrightfooter {     right:0;     bottom:50%;  } div#logo div#wrapperproducts div#footerpanel #arrowleftfooter {     left:0;     bottom:50%;  } 

div#logo main page element`

, js:

$(document).ready(function(e) {   /*"use strict";*/  $('#logo').css({'background':'none'});   $('#arrowrightfooter').click( function(){           console.log('the click button work fine');         $('.thumb').animate({left: '+=170px' }, 1500);      }); }); 

this lines #logo's structure in main page:


<div class="parts" id="part1">      <div class="third" id="left">        <div class="mostatil radif1" id="logo">              <div class="imgwrapper">               <img src="images/icons/new/basketstore.png" width="120" height="90"  alt=""/>             </div>       </div>     <div> </div> 


body {     background:url(../images/background.png) no-repeat;     background-color:rgb(24,1,83);     font-family:"b koodak", tahoma; } {     width:620px;     height:800px;     position:absolute; }  div#part1 {     margin-left:150px; }  div.third {     width:510px;     height:640px;     margin-top:100px; }  div#left {     margin-left:55px;    }  div.third div.mostatil {     width:250px;     height:120px;    }  div.third#left div.radif1 {     margin-top:0px;  }  div#logo {     background-color:rgb(214,164,1);     position:absolute;     cursor:pointer; } 

and *jquery: *

/*/-------------  c l c k    on    div # l o g o  --------------/*/ $(document).on('click', 'div.mostatil#logo', function(){          $('div.moraba, div.mostatil').not('#logo').delay(500).fadeout('fast');/**/          var detail = {};               = $(this).attr('id');         detail.class           = $(this).attr('class').substr(7);         $(this)                 .animate({                     width:         winwidth,                     height:           winheight,                     margintop:   -60,                     marginleft:  -210                 }, 100, 'easeoutquint', false)                 .data({ id:, class: detail.class})                 .css({'z-index':500, 'cursor':'default'})                 .transition({rotatey:'360deg'}, 1000,'snap');          $('body').css('overflow','hidden');          $.ajax({             type:'post',             url:"pages/ajax/products.php",             beforesend: function() {                 $('#logo').html('loading; please wait...')             },             statuscode: {                 404: function(){                     $(this).html('page not found');                 }             },             success: function(result) {                 $('#logo').html(result);             }         });//ajax   }); 

when select other elements of result page wrapperproduct or maincontent or etc..., animate method works fine, in $('.thumb'), there no result after click on arrow divs...
think there wrong in css, may whitespace:nowrap, because it's first time i'm using command...
believe it's because of misunderstanding css concepts me...
please guide me write way , figure out fault...
thanks in advance...

actually there's issue ajax...
there not thing wrong selectors,

you've defined application send ajax request server , insert html result in div again every click on div.mostatila#logo...!!!
when click on every place inside page, clicking on #logo in fact...

you have limit ajax request situation, example:

        if ( $(this).css('width') == '250px' ) {             $.ajax({                 type:'post',                 url:"pages/ajax/products.php",                 beforesend: function() {                     $('#logo').html('loading; please wait...')                 },                 statuscode: {                     404: function(){                         $(this).html('page not found...');                     }                 },                 success: function(result) {                     $('#logo').html(result).css('background','none');                 }             });//ajax         }         else {             return;          } 

then, when #logo have width:250px, ajax request sent...
think problem...


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