javascript - alternative to for loop -
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how use .foreach instead of loop?
'use strict'; var score = (function(){ function updatescore() { for(var = 0; < arguments.length; i++) { this.score += arguments[i]; }// want use .foreach here instead of loop. return this.score; } return { update: updatescore } })(); var soccer = { name: 'soccer', score: 0 } score.update.apply(soccer, [1,2,3]) console.log(soccer.score)
this log 6.
i tried
function updatescore() { arguments.foreach((args, i) => { this.score += args[i]; }; return this.score; };
error log: arguments.foreach not function
in modern (es2015) javascript can use array.from()
array.from(arguments).foreach((arg) => { this.score += arg; });
you don't need use array indexing, .foreach()
function passes each array element callback function first argument. (it pass index second argument, in case wouldn't need use that.)
it's important note if arguments
object passed out of function (as here), overall function may considered ineligible optimization. that's because arguments
object has weird properties make hard optimizer know what's going on , whether it's safe make assumptions how local variables change. if that's concern, option copy arguments simple array for
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