ajax - How to implement image upload to the PageDown markdown editor? -

to implement image upload pagedown markdown editor, have modified code editor.


var defaultsstrings = { imagedialog : "< input id='image' type='file' />" }

when select picture , click ok button sent ajax request. can return image path.

var okbutton = doc.createelement("input");         okbutton.type = "button";         okbutton.onclick = function () {              var data = new formdata();             data.append('file', $( '#image' )[0].files[0] );             $.ajax({                 url: 'uploadfile',                 data: data,                 processdata: false,                 contenttype: false,                 type: 'post',                 success: function ( data ) {                     alert(path);                 }             });             return close(false);}; 

how preview image in editor preview area?

this article provide useful method,

editor.hooks.set("insertimagedialog", function (callback) {  var $input = $('<input type="file" name="file" id="file_0" class = "fileupload"/>');  var $okbutton = $('<a class="okbutton">'+uploadok()+'</a>');  $okbutton.click(function(){         var data = new formdata();         var file = $input[0].files[0];        if (file === undefined || null === file) {           // alert("error message);        } else {          data.append('file',  file);         $.ajax({             url: 'uploadfile',             data: data,             datatype : 'json',             processdata: false,             contenttype: false,             type: 'post',             success: function ( data ) {                   callback(data.dataobject.url);             },             error : function(data){                   // error             }         });           }     }); ) 


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