linux - sys_write will not output 0x0A -

i making calculator in assembly practice. working fine except when answer displayed, new line character (0x0a) not display. instead there box numbers 0014 inside (unicode probably). doing wrong?

bits 64 ; 64-bit (amd64) code  section .data     stdin: equ 0     stdout: equ 1      sys_read: equ 0     sys_write: equ 1     sys_exit: equ 60      l_out1: db "simple assembly addition",0ah,": "     l_len1: equ 27     l_out2: db ": "     l_len2: equ 2     l_out3: db "answer is: "     l_len3: equ 11 section .bss     l_in1: resb 3       ; reserve 3 bytes (digits)     l_in2: resb 3       ; reserve 3 bytes (digits)     l_ans: resb 4       ; answer section .text     global _start _start:     mov rax,sys_write   ; system call id     mov rdi,stdout      ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_out1     mov rdx,l_len1     syscall      mov rax,sys_read    ; system call id     mov rdi,stdin       ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_in1     mov rdx,3       ; see .bss     syscall      mov rax,sys_write   ; system call id     mov rdi,stdout      ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_out2     mov rdx,l_len2     syscall      mov rax,sys_read    ; system call id     mov rdi,stdin       ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_in2     mov rdx,3     syscall      mov r8,[l_in1]      ; copy l_in1 rax     sub r8,"0"     mov r9,[l_in2]      ; copy l_in2 rax     sub r9,"0"      add r8,r9     add r8,"0"      ; add 0 ascii conversion      mov [l_ans],r8      ; store answer address of l_ans      mov rax,sys_write   ; system call id     mov rdi,stdout      ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_out3     mov rdx,l_len3     syscall      mov rax,sys_write   ; system call id     mov rdi,stdout      ; descriptor     mov rsi,l_ans     mov rdx,4     syscall      mov rax,sys_write     mov rdi,stdout     mov rsi,0ah     mov rdx,1     syscall      mov rax,sys_exit    ; system call id     mov rdi,0       ; return 0     syscall 


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