vb.net - Removing and adding event handlers for different ComboBoxes where the ComboBox is passed as a parameter -

i have method takes combobox parameter , adds data it. when data added, selectedindexchangedevent fires. there way that, in called method, can remove above event handler whatever combobox passed parameter , add @ end of method? know how remove , add specific handlers, can't figure out how based on combobox passed.

here's method..

private sub populatecombobox(byref cbobox combobox, byval itemsource string)     'remove handler cbobox     'do stuff otherwise cause event handler execute     'add handler cbobox end sub  

i have 4 comboboxes - easier remove 4 event handlers , add them again @ end of code? know if possible can possibly apply re-usable code in future

the basic way go this:

private sub populatecombobox(byref cbobox combobox, byval itemsource string)     removehandler cbobox.selectedindexchanged, addressof combobox1_selectedindexchanged     'do stuff otherwise cause event handler execute     addhandler cbobox.selectedindexchanged, addressof combobox1_selectedindexchanged end sub  private sub combobox1_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles combobox1.selectedindexchanged  end sub 

another option, might better in circumstances, this:

private _ignorecombobox combobox = nothing  private sub populatecombobox(byref cbobox combobox, byval itemsource string)     _ignorecombobox = cbobox     'do stuff otherwise cause event handler execute     _ignorecombobox = nothing end sub  private sub combobox1_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles combobox1.selectedindexchanged     if sender not _ignorecombobox      end if end sub 

or, handle multiple combo boxes @ same time:

private _ignorecomboboxes list(of combobox) = new list(of combobox)()  private sub populatecombobox(byref cbobox combobox, byval itemsource string)     _ignorecomboboxes.add(cbobox)     'do stuff otherwise cause event handler execute     _ignorecomboboxes.remove(cbobox) end sub  private sub combobox1_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles combobox1.selectedindexchanged     if not _ignorecomboboxes.contains(directcast(sender, combobox))      end if end sub 


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