c++ - Run-Time Check Failure #2 Stack around the variable 'maze' were corrupted -

run-time check failure #2 stack around variable 'maze' corrupted. whenever compile , run program, receive error whenever program finishes running. believe problem happening in addpaths function in implementation. posted code in case. program creating maze , addpaths function "digging" paths user move through. path direction chosen @ random , paths drawn @ number spaces on maze.


const int height = 3; const int width = 5;  class coordinate { public:     int row, column; };  class maze {     public:         maze();         ~maze();         void buildmaze();         void displaymaze();         void addpaths();         void startgame();         void moveplayer(int);         bool solved();         int getkey();         void adddestinationtogrid();     private:         char grid[width][height];         coordinate player;          const static char player = 'p';         const static char destination = 'x';         const static char start = 's';         const static char path = ' ';         const static char wall = (char)219; }; 


#include <iostream> #include "maze.h" #include <windows.h> #include <stack> using std::cout; using std::endl;   maze::maze() {     buildmaze(); }  maze::~maze() {     cout << "yay"; }  void maze::buildmaze() {     (int x = 0; x <= height-1; x++)     {         (int y = 0; y <= width-1; y++)         {             grid[x][y] = wall;             //setconsoletextattribute(getstdhandle(std_output_handle), 4);         }     } }  void maze::displaymaze() {     (int x = 0; x <= height-1; x++)     {         (int y = 0; y <= width-1; y++)         {             cout << grid[x][y];         }         cout << endl;     } } void maze::startgame() {     int input;         {             input = getkey();             moveplayer(input);     } while (!solved()); }  bool maze::solved() {     return true; }  void maze::moveplayer(int direction) {     if (direction == vk_up || direction == vk_down || direction == vk_left || direction == vk_right)     {         coord newcoord = { player.column + 1, player.row + 1 };         setconsolecursorposition(getstdhandle(std_output_handle), newcoord);         if (grid[player.row][player.column] == start)         {             cout << start;         }         else         {             cout << path;         }      } }  int maze::getkey() {     int result = 0;     while (!solved() && result == 0)     {         short max_short = 0x7fff; //111111111111111         if (getasynckeystate(vk_left) & max_short)         {             result = vk_left;         }         else if (getasynckeystate(vk_up) & max_short)         {             result = vk_up;         }         else if (getasynckeystate(vk_right) & max_short)         {             result = vk_right;         }         else if (getasynckeystate(vk_down) & max_short)         {             result = vk_down;         }     }     return result; }  void maze::addpaths() {     coordinate currentlocation;     coordinate startlocation;     //coordinate endlocation; //not used yet     std::stack<coordinate> mystack;      currentlocation.row = (((rand() % height) / 2) * 2);     currentlocation.column = (((rand() % width) / 2) * 2);      startlocation = currentlocation;     grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column] = start;     player = currentlocation;          {          bool canmoveup = !(currentlocation.row == 0 || grid[currentlocation.row - 2][currentlocation.column] != wall);         bool canmovedown = !(currentlocation.row == height - 1 || grid[currentlocation.row + 2][currentlocation.column] != wall);         bool canmoveleft = !(currentlocation.column == 0 || grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column - 2] != wall);         bool canmoveright = !(currentlocation.column == width - 1 || grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column + 2] != wall);          if (canmoveup || canmovedown || canmoveleft || canmoveright)         {         mystack.push(currentlocation);              //choose random location dig             bool movefound = false;             while (movefound != true)             {                 int direction = rand() % 4;                 if (direction == 0 && canmoveup)                 {                     movefound = true;                     grid[currentlocation.row - 2][currentlocation.column] = path;                     grid[currentlocation.row - 1][currentlocation.column] = path;                     currentlocation.row -= 2;                 }                 else if (direction == 1 && canmovedown)                 {                     movefound = true;                     grid[currentlocation.row + 2][currentlocation.column] = path;                     grid[currentlocation.row + 1][currentlocation.column] = path;                     currentlocation.row += 2;                 }                 else if (direction == 2 && canmoveleft)                 {                     movefound = true;                     grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column - 2] = path;                     grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column - 1] = path;                     currentlocation.column -= 2;                 }                 else if (direction == 3 && canmoveright)                 {                     movefound = true;                     grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column + 2] = path;                     grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column - 2] = path;                     currentlocation.column += 2;                 }             }         }         else if (!mystack.empty())         {             currentlocation = mystack.top();             mystack.pop();         }      }     while (!mystack.empty());     adddestinationtogrid(); }  void maze::adddestinationtogrid() {     int randomrow = rand() % height;     int randomcolumn = rand() % width;     while (grid[randomrow][randomcolumn] != path)     {         randomrow = rand() % height;         randomcolumn = rand() % width;     }      grid[randomrow][randomcolumn] = destination; } 


#include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include "maze.h" using namespace std;  int main() {     maze maze;      maze.addpaths();     maze.displaymaze();     maze.startgame();      /*if (maze.solved())     {         cout << " win!";     }*/ } 

there 2 problems. 1 not consistent in order access elements of grid. declared grid[width][height] (but not all) accesses use height based index first. isn't causing problems since width greater height , stay within object's memory when doing normal accesses it.

the problem line:

grid[currentlocation.row][currentlocation.column - 2] = path; 

in moveright handler. column offset should + 1, not - 2. way can cause write memory before first element of grid.


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