angularjs - Error after using ngAnimate: TypeError: Cannot read property 'ng-scope' and 'col-sm-6' of undefined -

i've added angular animation project. placed index.html , app.js. there i've missed? in advance


<script src=""></script> 


angular.module('portfolio', ['ui.bootstrap','ui.router', 'nganimate', 'service', 'ctrl']) 

console: error

typeerror: cannot read property 'ng-scope' of undefined         @ lookup (angular-animate.js:294)         @ performanimation (angular-animate.js:563)         @ angular-animate.js:358         @ m.$digest (angular.js:16215)         @ m.$apply (angular.js:16429)         @ g (angular.js:10823)         @ t (angular.js:11021)         @ xmlhttprequest.w.onload (angular.js:10962)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:12793(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9526m.$digest @ angular.js:16217m.$apply @ angular.js:16429g @ angular.js:10823t @ angular.js:11021w.onload @ angular.js:10962     angular.js:12793      typeerror: cannot read property 'col-sm-6' of undefined             @ lookup (angular-animate.js:294)             @ performanimation (angular-animate.js:563)             @ angular-animate.js:358             @ m.$digest (angular.js:16215)             @ m.$apply (angular.js:16429)             @ g (angular.js:10823)             @ t (angular.js:11021)             @ xmlhttprequest.w.onload (angular.js:10962) 

this question seems similar post angularjs: $$selectors undefined when trying use nganimate suggestion seems point mismatch between angular , angular animate module


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