ios - Variable going back to 0 when label saved -

i made app save label can make go or down 1 number in app. if lose out of app , open up, if make label go again resets 0 , goes one. because have set variable value zero. here code:

    @iboutlet var goal: uilabel!      @ibaction func player1button(sender: anyobject)     {     nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().setvalue(goal.text!, forkey:"firstgoal")     }      var goal1 = 0      @ibaction func goalup(sender: anyobject)     {     goal1++     goal.text = "\(goal1)"     }      override func viewdidload()     {     super.viewdidload()     goal.text = (nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().objectforkey("firstgoal") as? string)     } 

im saving goal number calling later in text. please show me way fix adds on previous number.

in viewdidload() add

goal1 = int((nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults().objectforkey("firstgoal") as? string)!) 

this set int variable using keep track of goals correct value when app loads. setting text label correct value.


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