Extract image from wpf image control and save it to a png file on my local PCc# -
i have image control in wpf c#.
<image x:name="icon01" mousedown="icon_mousedown" cursor="hand" source="favicon\01.png" height="48" width="48" margin="10"/>
how can save image (favicon\01.png) file on pc? use c# .net 4.0.
use icon01.source
) create filestream
via pngbitmapencoder
, here example using savefiledialog
private void icon_mousedown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e) { try { var savefiledialog = new savefiledialog() { filter = "image files (*.bmp, *.png, *.jpg)|*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg" }; if (savefiledialog.showdialog() == true) { var encoder = new pngbitmapencoder(); encoder.frames.add(bitmapframe.create((bitmapsource)icon01.source)); using (filestream stream = new filestream(savefiledialog.filename, filemode.create)) encoder.save(stream); } } catch (exception exception) { messagebox.show(exception.message); } }
and xaml same :
<grid> <image x:name="icon01" mousedown="icon_mousedown" cursor="hand" source="favicon\01.png" height="48" width="48" margin="10"/> </grid>
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