vba - Calling a Sub by pressing a button -

please me solve issue. have vba read file , fill sheet, , it's working fine, have sub searching , colorize strings in sheet (not working).

sub importdelimitedtext() 'imports text separated ssepchar in ssourcefile 'range(stargetaddress). overwrites old data. 'normally procedure called 'passing info text file's name , path, separator '(ssepchar) , maybe insert text - cell 'adress (stargetsddress).  dim sdel string * 1 dim linestring string dim ssourcefile string dim ssepchar string dim stargetaddress string dim rtargetcell range dim vtargetvalues variant dim r long dim flen long dim fn integer  on error goto errorhandle  'text file , path ssourcefile = "d:\alastair\downloads\ctmpsm2.txt"  'separator (delimiter) ssepchar = ","  'start cell writing data stargetaddress = "a1"  'ssourcefile doesn't exist if len(dir(ssourcefile)) = 0 exit sub  'identifies delimiter if ucase(ssepchar) = "tab" or ucase(ssepchar) = "t" sdel = chr(9) else sdel = left(ssepchar, 1) end if  'import data worksheets(1).activate  'sets range start cell set rtargetcell = range(stargetaddress).cells(1, 1)  'deletes old data rtargetcell.currentregion.clear  on error goto beforeexit  'gets free file number operating system fn = freefile  'opens file input open ssourcefile input #fn on error goto 0 flen = lof(fn) r = 0 while not eof(fn) line input #fn, linestring 'calls function parses text. vtargetvalues = parsedelimitedstring(linestring, ssepchar) 'writes cells updatecells rtargetcell.offset(r, 0), vtargetvalues r = r + 1 wend  'closes text file close #fn  beforeexit: set rtargetcell = nothing  exit sub errorhandle: msgbox err.description & " error in importdelimitedtext." resume beforeexit end sub ''the function below parses ("reads") text.  function parsedelimitedstring(inputstring string, _ sdel string) variant 'returns variant array every element in 'inputstring separated sdel.  dim integer, icount integer dim sstring string, schar string * 1 dim resultarray() variant  on error goto errorhandle  sstring = "" icount = 0 = 1 len(inputstring) schar = mid$(inputstring, i, 1) if schar = sdel icount = icount + 1 redim preserve resultarray(1 icount) resultarray(icount) = sstring sstring = "" else sstring = sstring & schar end if next  icount = icount + 1 redim preserve resultarray(1 icount) resultarray(icount) = sstring parsedelimitedstring = resultarray  exit function errorhandle: msgbox err.description & " error in function parsedelimitedstring." end function ''the following procedure writes text cells in worksheet.  sub updatecells(rtargetrange range, vtargetvalues variant) 'writes content in vtargetvalues 'to active sheet starting in rtargetrange. 'overwrites existing data.  dim r long, c integer  on error goto errorhandle  if typename(activesheet) <> "worksheet" exit sub r = 1 c = 1  on error resume next  c = ubound(vtargetvalues, 1) r = ubound(vtargetvalues, 2) range(rtargetrange.cells(1, 1), rtargetrange.cells(1, 1). _ offset(r - 1, c - 1)).formula = vtargetvalues  exit sub errorhandle: msgbox err.description & " error in procedure updatecells." end sub     private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target range) call importdelimitedtext end sub  'sub called button press in sheet... sub changecolor() set mr = range("a1:i1000") each cell in mr if cell.value = "ok" cell.interior.colorindex = 10 if cell.value = "notfound" cell.interior.colorindex = 3 next end sub 

last sub doesn't work when press button on sheet.


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