algorithm - Non-recursive breadth-first traversal without a queue -
in generic tree represented nodes having pointers parent, siblings, , firs/last children, in:
class tnode { def data tnode parent = null tnode first_child = null, last_child = null tnode prev_sibling = null, next_sibling = null tnode(data=null) { = data } }
is possible iterative (non-recursive) breadth-first (level-order) traversal without using additional helper structures such queue.
so basically: can use single node references backtracking, not hold collections of nodes. whether can done @ theoretical part, more practical issue whether can done efficiently without backtracking on large segments.
yes, can. tradeoff , cost more time.
generally speaking, 1 approach understand 1 can implement traversal without memory in tree. using that, can iterative deepening dfs, discovers new node in same order bfs have discovered them.
this requires book-keeping, , remembering "where came from", , deciding next based on that.
pseudo code tree:
special_dfs(root, max_depth): if (max_depth == 0): yield root return current = root.first_child prev = root depth = 1 while (current != null): if (depth == max_depth): yield current , siblings prev = current current = current.paret depth = depth - 1 else if ((prev == current.parent || prev == current.previous_sibling) && current.first_child != null): prev = current current = current.first_child depth = depth + 1 // @ point, know prev child of current else if (current.next_sibling != null): prev = current current = current.next_sibling // exhausted parent's children else: prev = current current = current.parent depth = depth - 1
and then, can have level order traversal with:
for (int = 0; < max_depth; i++): spcial_dfs(root, i)
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