Which one is a best file up-loader extension for Yii1.x framework? -

i using coco file up-loader extension in yii1.x framework not working properly. 1: if want delete uploaded file name status area not working. 2: not able make limit upload files if want edit file. 3: have ui issues.

i using coco this.

widget('ext.coco.cocowidget'         ,array(             'id'=>'cocowidget1',             'oncompleted'=>'function(id,filename,jsoninfo){  }',             'oncancelled'=>'function(id,filename){ alert("cancelled"); }',             'onmessage'=>'function(m){ alert(m); }',             'allowedextensions'=>array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png'), // server-side mime-type validated             'sizelimit'=>2000000, // limit in server-side , in client-side             'uploaddir' => 'assets/', // coco @mkdir             // arguments used send notification             // on specific class when new file uploaded,             'receptorclassname'=>'application.models.mymodel',             'methodname'=>'onfileuploaded',             'userdata'=>$model->primarykey,             // controls how many files must uploaded             'maxuploads'=>3, // defaults -1 (unlimited)             'maxuploadsreachmessage'=>'no more files allowed', // if empty, no message shown             // controls how many files can select (not upload, uploads see also: maxuploads)             'multiplefileselection'=>true, // true or false, defaults: true         ));     ?> 

this issue got when going update gallery images, resolved issue using below point.

1: 'oncompleted'=>'function(id,filename,jsoninfo){ }', can call custom ajax call can delete our files.

2: if deleted uploaded items, can set here hidden fields can set counters uploaded files , on select files upload able show alert how many files can upload.


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