git - Github revert error "Unable to revert commit" -
so trying revert previous version of program when corrupted. now, in code have various lines of code scattered throughout effect of:
<<<<<<< head ======= >>>>>>> parent of 410c297... "safe version" =======
etc. when try revert previous point again, says, "unable revert commit, (digits) (name)
i have basic understanding of git terminal, can't fix myself. can pointers?
reverting creates new commits change existing committed files. you've got merge in progress, means can't revert.
most likely, want reset: want go existing commit , pretend haven't done work. common way of doing rid of changes , in-progress merges resetting head this:
git reset --hard head
afterwards, if want go earlier version, can revert
or maybe checkout
older version. or can both @ same time using ~ notation: git reset --hard head~3
means undo , go 3 commits.
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