objective c - NSMutableArray error, keep saying error out of bounds -

i cant see forest through trees say. first off, here code :

 -(nsmutablearray*)getwaranty:(nsstring*)string start:(nsstring*)start and:(nsstring*)end{ nsmutablearray *waranties = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; nsrange startrange = [string rangeofstring:start]; nsrange valuerange; valuerange.location = startrange.location + startrange.length; //beginpunt nsrange eindrange = [string rangeofstring:end]; valuerange.length = eindrange.location - valuerange.location; nsstring *result = [[nsstring alloc]init]; result = nil; if(valuerange.location != nsnotfound){     if(valuerange.length != nsnotfound){         result = [string substringwithrange:valuerange];         nsstring *testresult = [[nsstring alloc]init];         testresult = result;          nsstring* begintrim = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim1 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim2 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim3 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim4 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim5 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim6 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim7 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim8 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim9 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring* begintrim10 = [[nsstring alloc]init];         begintrim = [testresult stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"<li class=\"toptwowarrantylistitem\">"withstring:@""];         begintrim1 = [begintrim stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"<b>"withstring:@""];         begintrim2 = [begintrim1 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"<li>"withstring:@""];         begintrim3 = [begintrim2 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"</li>"withstring:@""];         begintrim4 = [begintrim3 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"</b>"withstring:@""];         begintrim5 = [begintrim4 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"<a href=\"javascript:selecttabfromlink(5);\" id=\"seewarrantytab\" class=\"uif_link\">"withstring:@""];         begintrim6 = [begintrim5 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"</a>"withstring:@""];         nsstring *lang =[[nsstring alloc]init];         lang= @"nl";         if(lang == @"nl"){             begintrim7 = [begintrim6 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@".  raadpleeg het tabblad garantie voor meer informatie."withstring:@""];         }         begintrim8 = [begintrim7 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"</div>"withstring:@""];         begintrim9 = [begintrim8 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"\r\n"withstring:@""];         begintrim10 = [begintrim9 stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset whitespaceandnewlinecharacterset]];         nsstring *warant = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring *thewarant = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring *hoev = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring *lic = [[nsstring alloc]init];         nsstring *datum = [[nsstring alloc]init];         if(lang == @"nl"){             //split met garantie             warant = [begintrim10 stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"  garantie met einddatum op"withstring:@""];             nsarray *array = [[nsarray alloc]init];             array = [warant componentsseparatedbystring:@"                                                                                                                 "];             nsinteger hoeveel = [array count];             if(hoeveel != 0){                 hoev = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d",hoeveel];                 [waranties addobject:hoev];                 for(int = 0; < hoeveel; i++){                     if([array objectatindex:i] != null){                         thewarant = [array objectatindex:i];                         nsarray *specarray = [[nsarray alloc]init];                         specarray = [thewarant componentsseparatedbystring:@"  "];                         lic = [specarray objectatindex:0];                         datum = [specarray objectatindex:1];                         [waranties addobject:lic];                         [waranties addobject:datum];                         nslog(@" de waraiens 1 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:0]);                         nslog(@" de waraiens 1 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:1]);                     }                     else{                      }                  }             nslog(@" de waraiens 1 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:0]);             nslog(@" de waraiens 2 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:1]);             nslog(@" de waraiens 3 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:2]);             nslog(@" de waraiens 4 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:3]);             nslog(@" de waraiens 5 :%@", [waranties objectatindex:4]);             return waranties;             }         }     } } 


the code should return somthing :

2013-03-12 21:12:51.783 dellsupportapp[6254:c07] de waraiens 1 :2

2013-03-12 21:12:51.785 dellsupportapp[6254:c07] de waraiens 2 :dell business support/prosupport

2013-03-12 21:12:51.785 dellsupportapp[6254:c07] de waraiens 3 :30/07/2009

2013-03-12 21:12:51.785 dellsupportapp[6254:c07] de waraiens 4 :next business day

2013-03-12 21:12:51.786 dellsupportapp[6254:c07] de waraiens 5 :30/07/2009

but tricky thing is. works 1 out of 10 times... method called in function :

-(nsmutablearray*) parseit: (nsstring*) topars { nsmutablearray *waranties = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; nsstring *begintitle = @"<title>"; nsstring *eindtitle = @"</title>"; nsstring *title = [self gettitle:topars start:begintitle and:eindtitle]; if(title != null){     nslog(@"de title = %@", title);     [waranties addobject:title];     nsstring *try = [waranties objectatindex:0];     nslog(@"de title = %@", try); }  nsstring *beginwar = @"<div class=\"toptwowarrantysummarydiv\">"; nsstring *eindwar = @"<div class=\"requestwarrantyextensiondiv\">"; nsmutablearray *warrant = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; warrant = [self getwaranty:topars start:beginwar and:eindwar]; if(warrant != null){     [waranties addobject:warrant];      nslog(@" de warant %@ ", [waranties objectatindex:1]); } return waranties; 

i find fisgy enters first method shown here, 10 times, while ask once... searvhin problems on 4 hours now, getting tired of erros, error not shown...

please point me errors...

looking @ code have concerns how brittle is. it's looking series of spaces separate warranties, best way split data?

besides you're making assumptions on splits. example:

specarray = [thewarant componentsseparatedbystring:@"  "]; 

is assigned , check both index 0 , 1, never make sure there 2 values in array.

your nslogs @ bottom don't check array bounds before they're processed.

spaces make notoriously bad delimiters data. if you're looking parse html there tools out there might job better.


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