ruby on rails - ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in CoursesController#show -

all courses showing on index.html.erb , trying view individual course clicking view more. should link show path understand, display individual course. result need.

however, rails throughs error on url (within url rails title of course, title created each new course.

activerecord::recordnotfound in coursescontroller#show couldn't find course 'id'=rails  extracted source (around line #7):  def show @course = course.find(params[:id]) end 

course controller

 class coursescontroller < applicationcontroller  def index  @courses = course.all  end   def show  @course = course.find(params[:id]) end 


devise_for :users root 'signups#new' resources :signups, only: [:new, :create]  resources :courses  prefix verb   uri pattern      controller#action root    /   signups#new    root    /                              signups#new   signups post   /signups(.:format)             signups#create  new_signup    /signups/new(.:format)         signups#new   courses    /courses(.:format)             courses#index  post   /courses(.:format)             courses#create  new_course    /courses/new(.:format)         courses#new  edit_course    /courses/:id/edit(.:format)    courses#edit  course    /courses/:id(.:format)         courses#show  patch  /courses/:id(.:format)         courses#update  put    /courses/:id(.:format)         courses#update  delete /courses/:id(.:format)         courses#destroy 


<div id="course-index">   <%@courses.each_slice(4) do|course| %>      <div class ="row">     <% course.each |course|%>     <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3">     <h3><%= course.title %></h3><br />     <h3><%= course. description %></h3><br />      <%= link_to 'view more', course_path(course), class:'btn btn-primary' %>  </div>     <%end%>    </div>   <%end%>  </div> 


class createcourses < activerecord::migration def change create_table :courses |t|   t.string :title   t.string :desciption   t.integer :course_id    t.timestamps null: false   end   end   end 


<h1>courses#show</h1> <h1><%= @course.title %></h1> <p> <%= @course.description %></p> 

solution: 3 of these worked in show method. don't understand why @course = course.find(params[:id]). because have these columns defined in model.

@course = course.find_by(params[:title]) @course = course.find_by(params[:course_id]) @course = course.find_by(params[:description]) 

@course = course.find(params[:id]) finds course id number, you're passing in title instead of id number. if thats way want keep it

@course = course.find_by(title: params[:id])   

will want


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