redirect - How to set a default page for wrong action requests in struts2? -

i have followed apache tutorial following code runs error.


caused by: org.xml.sax.saxparseexception; systemid:      file:/c:/users/target/project-1.0/web- inf/classes/struts.xml; linenumber: 53; columnnumber: 15; content of element type "package"    must match "(result-types?,interceptors?,default-interceptor-ref?,default-action-ref?,default-   class-ref?,global-results?,global-exception-mappings?,action*)". 

please note actions , packages correctly defined once copy redirect code runs error. code

     <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">          <default-action-ref name="underconstruction"></default-action-ref>              <action name="underconstruction">                 <result>notfound.jsp</result>             </action>              <result-types>                 <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.tilesresult"/>             </result-types>              <action ....>             </action>               ,,,     </package> 

when change follwing line



 <result type="tiles">notfound.jsp</result>   

the application ran when enter wrong address not show notfound.jsp page, throw not found action exception.

when try following code application runs not redirect wrong requests underconstruction page

    <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">              <result-types>                 <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.tilesresult"/>             </result-types>              <action ....>             </action>               ,,,     </package>        <package name="hello" extends="struts-default">            <default-action-ref name="underconstruction"></default-action-ref>              <action name="underconstruction">                 <result>notfound.jsp</result>             </action>        </package> 

the above configuration have shown tiles-integration. can not copy-paste , make working rocket. there various ways achieve goals, of approch follows:

1st approch

create global result-declaration error or exception

<global-results>     <result name="error">/error.jsp</result>     <result name="specific_exception">/unique.jsp</result>     <result name="login" type="redirectaction">login.jsp</result> </global-results> 

and validate , return respective string ex error or success action based invaidation.

2nd approch

you can redirect in action mapping

<action name="your_action_name">      <result type="success">success.jsp</result>      <result type="error">notfound.jsp</result>  </action> 


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