mvc - Why does SignInManager fetch the user twice on login? -

when supplying username signinmanager.passwordsigninasync() first calls findbynameasync() calls findbyidasync(). implemented custom userstore, don't understand why calls both, making 2 database calls? seems unnecessary overhead.

in both cases i'm returning same iuser object different criteria. i'm supposed do?

public task<myappidentityuser> findbyidasync(long userid) {     task<myappidentityuser> task = _db.profile.where(x => x.userid == userid)         .select(x => new myappidentityuser { id = x.userid, username = x.username })         .firstordefaultasync();     return task; }  public task<myappidentityuser> findbynameasync(string username) {     task<myappidentityuser> task =  _db.profile.where(x => x.username == username)         .select(x => new myappidentityuser { id = x.userid, username = x.username })         .firstordefaultasync();     return task; } 

additional - noticed there's 3rd , 4th query getpasswordhashasync() , getlockoutenabledasync(). why of these calls necessary , can't bundled in single call?

so figured out after head scratching. when calling signinmanager.passwordsigninasync() string username , password, first queries db iuser object id key db (source code). calls again iuser object several checks call getuseridasync() on , on again, despite manager having it. don't know why out of box.


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