.htaccess - HTTP Basic Auth not bring up password prompt in <Directory> but in <Location> in Apache 2.4 -

apache version: 2.4.17


listen 1449  <virtualhost *:1449>      directoryindex /index.php index.php      servername      serveradmin myname      proxypassmatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1       documentroot /custom      <directory /custom>          options -indexes -includes          allowoverride none          allow          authbasicprovider file          authname "restricted area"           authtype basic           authuserfile "/passward/.main"           require valid-user      </directory>  </virtualhost> 

the general directory tag in http.config:

<directory />      <limitexcept post head>          deny    </limitexcept>      options -indexes     allowoverride none     require denied  </directory> 

i have vhost exact same setting , password , working. have no idea why not working in specific virtual host in port 1449. when browse @, doesn't bring dialog asking password. goes straight page. have use <location> tags bring password prompt, have read isn't safer <directory>. no error log @ all. mysterious me.

can figure out wrong setting?



<location />     authtype basic      .....  </location> 

not working:

<directory />        authtype basic         .....  </directory> 

not working:

<files "some.php">         authtype basic          .....  </files> 

the file path:

  /custom/some.php 0644 

when use proxypass/proxypassmatch, request never mapped location on disk, can't use <directory> sections.

there alternate form of fcgi uses sethandler instead of proxypass/proxypassmatch (it's in manual) delays execution , allows normal mapping disk happen. give try if need it.


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