python - How do I scrape the favorite_count of a tweet on someone's timeline? -

if run code without final line: getval(tweet['retweeted_status']['favorite_count']), scrape works when add line error message keyerror: 'retweeted_status'

does know i'm doing wrong?

q = "david_cameron" results = twitter_user_timeline(twitter_api, q) print len(results) # show 1 sample search result slicing list... # print json.dumps(results[0], indent=1) csvfile = open(q + '_timeline.csv', 'w') csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) csvwriter.writerow(['created_at',                 'user-screen_name',                 'text',                 'coordinates lng',                 'coordinates lat',                 'place',                 'user-location',                 'user-geo_enabled',                 'user-lang',                 'user-time_zone',                 'user-statuses_count',                 'user-followers_count',                 'user-created_at']) tweet in results:     csvwriter.writerow([tweet['created_at'],                     getval(tweet['user']['screen_name']),                     getval(tweet['text']),                     getlng(tweet['coordinates']),                     getlat(tweet['coordinates']),                     getplace(tweet['place']),                     getval(tweet['user']['location']),                     getval(tweet['user']['geo_enabled']),                     getval(tweet['user']['lang']),                     getval(tweet['user']['time_zone']),                     getval(tweet['user']['statuses_count']),                     getval(tweet['user']['followers_count']),                     getval(tweet['user']['created_at']),                      getval(tweet['retweeted_status']['favorite_count']),                     ]) print "done" 

according api on @ attribute may or may not exist.

if not exist not able access attribute. can either make safe lookup using in operator access checking existence first

retweeted_favourite_count = tweet['retweeted_status']['favourite_count'] if 'retweeted_status' in tweet else none

or doing way of assuming there handle when not

try: retweeted_favourite_count = tweet['retweeted_status']['favourite_count'] except keyerror: retweeted_favourite_count = 0

then assign retweeted_favourite_count value in write row function.

also csv header row lacking description retweeted favourite count

updated example: tweet in results: #notice 1 long line not 2 rows. retweeted_favourite_count = tweet['retweeted_status']['favourite_count'] if 'retweeted_status' in tweet else none csvwriter.writerow([tweet['created_at'], getval(tweet['user']['screen_name']), getval(tweet['text']), getlng(tweet['coordinates']), getlat(tweet['coordinates']), getplace(tweet['place']), getval(tweet['user']['location']), getval(tweet['user']['geo_enabled']), getval(tweet['user']['lang']), getval(tweet['user']['time_zone']), getval(tweet['user']['statuses_count']), getval(tweet['user']['followers_count']), getval(tweet['user']['created_at']), # , insert here instead getval(retweeted_favourite_count), ])

you coulse switch line:


with padriac cunningham suggested

getval(tweet.get('retweeted_status', {}).get('favourite_count', none)


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