ios - Custom identity provider in Amazon Mobile Hub/ Amazon Web Services -

i new amazon mobile hub backend. before using parse did me. in amazon mobile hub, sign in, there custom sign in option. info particular option on amazon website follows:

'if have existing authentication process, can use own backend authenticate users. involves interaction between end user device, backend authentication, , amazon cognito. learn more authenticating own users.'

i confused this. there no option creating custom user database in amazon web services? if so, kind of external services have use (like outh 0 or something). if direct me seminar explains custom user database.

can amazon's identity , access management me in this? documentation service gives code in java , ios developer having problems in understanding this.

if has ever used parse looking users class in parse.


for custom identity provider, mobile hub generated ios sample app not have documented solution yet. when creating project in mobile hub console , enabling “custom” sign in, mobile hub creating “developer provider name” associated default cognito identity pool created project.

for cognito developer authenticated identities, need create own backend service handle end-user identities.using developer authenticated identities involves interaction between end-user device (a mobile hub generated sample app, perhaps), backend authentication, , amazon cognito.

the authentication server simple application designed store user credentials in secure manner , provides openid connect token authenticated users. authentication server can built using aws resources such web server running on ec2 instance or application running on elastic beanstalk environment. following blog end-to-end solution building backend authentication server , using sample cognito code github directly interact backend server. unfortunately, sample authentication service written in java.

integrating amazon cognito using developer authenticated identities: end-to-end example:

btw – have used parse , aws or mobile hub not have “users” class. however, cognito identity , sync, have control on user profiles, allows multiple providers per user, , allows sync user profiles between devices. cognito identity , cognito sync examples integrated mobile hub generated sample apps through “user data storage” feature.


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