android - facebook Login button customization -

using facebook sdk 4.6.0 trying use facebook login integration in android app. com.facebook.login.widget.loginbutton shows following button enter image description here

i want change text "login facebook" "facebook" only

i have tried solutions provided previously, none of them worked me. probable reason think of answered question facebook sdk 3.0 seems fails facebook sdk 4.6.0

i tried:

  1. modifying loginbutton class locked

  2. xmlns:facebook="" using schema in loginbutton , changing text using facbook:login_text="login", facebook:com_facebook_login_text="login" both failed work

this dependencies facebook sdk compile ''

this loginbutton xml

<com.facebook.login.widget.loginbutton     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:id="@+id/buttonregisterfacebook"     android:padding="10dp"    /> 

please suggest way change text , change fb logo image size

edit : understand why none of stated method working me. facebook sdk files locked file locked

i tried unlocking clicking on lock button @ bottum right corner in android studio nothing happens. suggestions how unlock fb sdk files. fb sdk version 4.6.0

please change here in code of class of facebook sdk

protected void configurebutton(         final context context,         final attributeset attrs,         final int defstyleattr,         final int defstyleres) {     super.configurebutton(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres);     setinternalonclicklistener(new loginclicklistener());      parseloginbuttonattributes(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres);      if (isineditmode()) {         // cannot use drawable in edit mode, setting background color instead         // of background resource.         setbackgroundcolor(getresources().getcolor(r.color.com_facebook_blue));         // hardcoding in edit mode getresources().getstring() doesn't seem work in         // intellij         logintext = "facebook";     } else {         accesstokentracker = new accesstokentracker() {             @override             protected void oncurrentaccesstokenchanged(                     accesstoken oldaccesstoken,                     accesstoken currentaccesstoken) {                 setbuttontext();             }         };     }      setbuttontext(); } 


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