how to override UIView.pointInside in swift? -

i'm trying port code obj-c swift, experienced lot of troubles.

one of issues overriding pointinside of uiview class:

class myview : uiview{ func pointinside(point: cgpoint, withevent event: uievent) -> bool {     if point.x < 0 {         return false     } else {         return true      } }} 

if don't add "override", error:

/xxx.swift:37:10: method 'pointinside(_:withevent:)' objective-c selector 'pointinside:withevent:' conflicts method 'pointinside(_:withevent:)' superclass 'uiview' same objective-c selector 

if add "override", error:

/xxx.swift:37:19: method not override method superclass 

according doc, there should pointinside function

the function in uikit declared as

func pointinside(_ point: cgpoint, withevent event: uievent?) -> bool 

the optionality (namely uievent?) needs match.

this error message seems less useful; might want file bug.


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