r - Using a reactive expression in an if statement in shiny -
i writing shiny app output should depend on value of variable calculated in reactive expression in shiny. instead of reproducing actual app believe have recreated problem following simple app:
ui.r file: library(shiny) shinyui(pagewithsidebar( headerpanel("illustrating problem"), sidebarpanel( numericinput('id1', 'numeric input, labeled id1', 0, min = 0, max = 100, step =5) ), mainpanel( h4('you entered'), verbatimtextoutput("oid1"), verbatimtextoutput("odic") ) )) server.r file library(shiny) shinyserver( function(input, output) { output$oid1 <- renderprint({input$id1}) x<-reactive({5*input$id1}) if (x()>50) output$oid2<-renderprint({"you entered number greater 10"}) else output$oid2<-renderprint({"you entered number less or equal 10"}) } )
if run error: error in .getreactiveenvironment()$currentcontext()
operation not allowed without active reactive context. (you tried can done inside reactive expression or observer.)
if change if statement to: if (x>50)
... error:
error in x > 50 : comparison (6) possible atomic , list types
when change if statement to: if (reactive({(x>50)}))
... error message:
error in if (reactive({ : argument not interpretable logical
i'd appreciate help
a couple problems. first , biggest problem don't seem understand how reactivity works. error says "operation not allowed without active reactive context" , that's problem - you're accessing x()
inside server function's main body not within reactive context. render*
function reactive context example. solve simple have move if statement inside renderprint
the other small problem output ids don't match (verbatimtextoutput("odic")
vs output$oid2
if don't understand reactivity, highly suggest take half hour understand better. this tutorial has section on reactivity can helpful, or can re-read official shiny tutorial rstudio.
here's code fixed app (i removed bunch of useless ui elements)
library(shiny) ui <- fluidpage( numericinput('id1', 'numeric input, labeled id1', 0, min = 0, max = 100, step=5), verbatimtextoutput("oid1"), verbatimtextoutput("oid2") ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$oid1 <- renderprint({input$id1}) x<-reactive({5*input$id1}) output$oid2<-renderprint({ if (x()>50) { "you entered number greater 10" } else { "you entered number less or equal 10" } }) } shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server)
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