Lyrics for additional verses in LilyPond? -

is there way in lilypond list lyrics corresponding additional verses after end of music, 1 paragraph per verse?

(n.b. exact question has been asked before, in 2001, first answer ("read book") references dead url, while second (use \context lyrics) not work me, lilypond syntax errors.)

here's song under want write additional verses.

\header{   title = "hello world" }  \score {   \relative {     \time 2/4     \clef treble     \key \major     cis''2 | a4 fis \bar "|."   }   \addlyrics {      -- | llo world   }   \layout { }   \midi { } }  \version "2.18.2" 

(sorry syntax highlighting, <!-- language: lang-lilypond --> not yet supported in google code prettyfier uses.)

i'd add verses 2, 3, , 4 underneath, separated music, words.

i got answer knute snortum on liliypond mailing list here

after score block can add markup block this

\markup {     \column {         \line { \null }         \line { 2. here go }     } } 

it turns out covered in lilypond documentation (printing stanzas @ end) use term 'stanza' , searching 'verse' did not lead me there.

(it worth noting this discussion on meta. posting lilypond questions here lead down-votes since not considered programming many of community. better stack exchange site post lilypond questions music: practice , theory stack exchange, though, found, lilypond mailing list place elicit full , prompt answers.)


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