Taxee API ( - JavaScript - How To: POST Request and Pass Parameters -

thanks helping out question. i've been trying federal, state, , fica tax post request on taxee api (, haven't been able working. able access data (simply figure out how api works) using 1 of 2 requests available api:

    var state = 'ca';     var year = 2014;     var url = ''+year+'/'+state;     var xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest();"get", url, true);      xmlhttp.onload = function() {             var result = json.parse(this.responsetext);              console.log(result.single.income_tax_brackets);              xmlhttp.abort();     }     xmlhttp.send(); 

but data need in post request. know how access post request this, , more specifically, pass parameters noted on link above. can provide, it's appreciated.

figured out how actually. problem way parameters passed differently in post requests. helps else out there:

  var url = '';   var params = "filing_status=married&pay_rate=100000&state=ca";   var http = new xmlhttprequest();"post", url, true);    //send proper header information along request   http.setrequestheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");   http.setrequestheader("content-length", params.length);   http.setrequestheader("connection", "close");  http.onreadystatechange = function() {//call function when state changes.   if(http.readystate == 4 && http.status == 200) {     alert(http.responsetext);   } } http.send(params); 


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