python - Scapy send function without output -

does know how send packet using scapy , not receive output?

this command:


this output

 sent 1 packets. 

i'm trying not print packet count line @ all.

try verbose parameter. scapy documentation says verbose should "make function totally silent when 0". both false , 0 appear work. example:

>>> send(ip(dst="")/icmp()) . sent 1 packets. >>> send(ip(dst="")/icmp(), verbose=0) >>> send(ip(dst="")/icmp(), verbose=false) >>>  

you can little more information using help():

>>> help(send) on function send in module scapy.sendrecv:  send(x, inter=0, loop=0, count=none, verbose=none, realtime=none, *args, **kargs)     send packets @ layer 3     send(packets, [inter=0], [loop=0], [verbose=conf.verb]) -> none (end) 


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