android - Cannot resolve symbol 'TitleProvider ' for ViewPagerIndicator -
i'm taking on old android project uses viewpagerindicator. i've updated latest version (2.4.1) import statement com.viewpagerindicator.titleprovider not resolving , there code have implements titleprovider. idea methods in titleprovider got moved to? can't seem find documentation. they comment @adrbtk lead me solution. method overriding in titleprovider gettitle(). support library's latest revision has method called getpagetitle() got rid of "implements titleprovider" on method , made code change below. change this @override public string gettitle(int index) { return ((myfragment)getitem(index)).gettablename().touppercase(; } to this @override public string getpagetitle(int index) { return ((myfragment)getitem(index)).gettablename().touppercase(; }