
Showing posts from January, 2010

android - Cannot resolve symbol 'TitleProvider ' for ViewPagerIndicator -

i'm taking on old android project uses viewpagerindicator. i've updated latest version (2.4.1) import statement com.viewpagerindicator.titleprovider not resolving , there code have implements titleprovider. idea methods in titleprovider got moved to? can't seem find documentation. they comment @adrbtk lead me solution. method overriding in titleprovider gettitle(). support library's latest revision has method called getpagetitle() got rid of "implements titleprovider" on method , made code change below. change this @override public string gettitle(int index) { return ((myfragment)getitem(index)).gettablename().touppercase(; } to this @override public string getpagetitle(int index) { return ((myfragment)getitem(index)).gettablename().touppercase(; }

c# - Exporting Template Project VS2015 -

i have solution 4 projects: data, ui.controls, application , visoft visoft referencing 3 other projects through "references->projects-> solutions". referencing both mvvm ligth , entity framework through nuget package manager. now want create project template of visoft application third party user. i tried "file->export template->project template" when go try newly created templates , build project, nuget packages loaded references data, ui.controls , application missing. how can create template assemblies bundled template? this wpf app if mathers.

regex - How to capture whatever is between an integer and its successor -

how can capture whatever content between integer , successor? example, suppose capture b3c , between 1 , 2 in a1b3c2d . code below gives b3c2d . 'a1b3c2d' =~ / (\d+) (.+) (?{ $1 + 1 }) /x; print $2, "\n"; you need two question marks in construct. 1 puts value of code $^r , returns match 'a1b3c2d' =~ / (\d+) (.+) (??{ $1 + 1 }) /x; print $2, "\n"; output b3c

ios - How to upload data (text, images) to with Java program? -

i'm building ios app in swift on , data calculated real-time java program (using eclipse). how can upload these data parse database? since tutorial , sdk on android, can't use work java code. there no native java sdk parse use rest api , httpurlconnection class or other http framwork connect parse api.

javascript - Captions appear out of position in image slider -

i have been working on js slider webpage. there off in format. cannot seem figure out is. when displays picture caption below, there space below caption, , on fifth picture, caption appears @ top of slider , there no picture displayed. here code js slider, along index.html file used implement it. bottom of image has grey space after images appear slider this //slider js var cssslidy = function(newoptions) { var options = (function() { var mergedoptions = {}, defaultoptions = { timeonslide: 8, timebetweenslides: 1, slidycontainerselector: '#slidy-container', // name of slider container slidyselector: '#slidy', // name of slider slidydirection: 'left', // options: left, right fallbackfunction: function() {}, cssanimationname: 'slidy', captionsource: 'data-caption', // options: data-caption, alt, none capti...

intellij idea - Deploying Grails WAR project to Tomcat 6 server -

i have grails project, , use intellij, , project runs fine intellij. i can create war using intellij build then, make grails web archive. i have virtual box running ubuntu 14.04, tomcat 6 on it. ok issue. i'm running chain of commands /etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop; rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/root*; cp root.war /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/.; /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start; tail -f /var/lib/tomcat6/logs/catalina.out and getting these errors info: validatejarfile(/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/root/web-inf/lib/servlet-api-2.3.jar) - jar not loaded. see servlet spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. offending class: javax/servlet/servlet.class - sanitizing stacktrace: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: malformed \uxxxx encoding. @ @ @ @ java_util_properties$ source) @ org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.calls...

c++ separate files? -

my question is, when compile c++ program, why put 1 exe file? file become large. use dll libraries shrink size, or there other files can make? want know how make program uses separate files run. (edit) don't want in single file. files become large computer handle it, right? there must way separate files. in java, in class file, seems easier , more efficient. drives fat32 can't have file bigger 4 gigabytes, need more broken down program. looked @ game called portal, exe 100kb , has 100 dll files! to answer question, yes. absolutely can split program separate dll files if you'd like. i've seen developers compile utility functions separate common dll files can included in other projects references. way objects , methods can be called it. in hindsight, compiled code relatively small. binary data consumes space: videos, images, models, sounds, etc. although possible , common smaller programs pack these resources directly executable, isn't idea many obv...

angularjs - Dynamic routing in Foundation for Apps with multiple children and multiple parameters -

i trying dynamic routing foundation apps, , can't find out how have multiple parameters in route child of child. route be: issues/:issuetype/issuedetail/:issueid and example is: issues/severe/issuedetail/123 in order call 1 of paths in foundation, <a ui-sref="issues({issuetype: 'severe'})"> severe issues </a> my guess (which incorrect) call multiple children parameters is: <a ui-sref="issues({issuetype: 'severe'}).issuedetail({issueid: '123'})"> issue 123 </a> now realize may make more sense call issues/issuedetail/123 rather including first parameter, there case issue id's unique issue type, or there's fact want $stateparams contain both parameters when navigating back. any appreciated! you have state each route. .state( 'issues', { url: '/issues' }, ...) .state( 'issuestype', { url: '/issues/:issuetype' }, ...) .state( 'issuesdetail...

solr - How to get number of documents by shard wise in solrcloud? -

i want number of shards along number of documents in each shard in solrcloud, there direct command these stats? as of pull these stats each node ui takes long time. using solcloud5.2. solr supports adding in request numfound, score , time spent each shard when retrieving results. that works manual sharding @ least, give try implicit sharding in solrcloud well!

android - lazy load in an expandable list view with over 30 thousand items -

i looking solution handle 30,000 groupitems using infinite scroll or lazy load within expandable list view? how implement mycustomadapter? the items loaded local .txt file array , populated expandable list. how handle filter many items because on each keydown app freezes, depending on device use. here customadapter: public class mycustomadapter extends baseexpandablelistadapter { private layoutinflater inflater; private arraylist<parent> mparent; private static final string tag = "mycustomadapter: "; private static final boolean debug = true; private arraylist<parent> arraylist; context acontext; public mycustomadapter(context context, arraylist<parent> parent){ mparent = parent; inflater = (layoutinflater) context .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service); this.arraylist = new arraylist<>(); this.arraylist.addall(parent); } @override ...

javascript - How to sort concatenated array created from 2 AJAX requests by user's search term? -

i have input box user can type search term. <input type="text" class="searchbox" placeholder="search here"> then, have 2 ajax requests behind scenes, "getmovies" , "getgames", return list of movies , games (respectively) based on user's search term. when user types search term input box, autocomplete suggestions box of similar movie , game titles ajax requests. this working, autocomplete suggestions not ideally sorted. currently, list of matching games shown, , matching list of movies shown underneath game list, regardless of if movie title matches user's search term better of games above it. so i'm trying figure out sort suggestions solely based on how closely match user's search term, regardless of genre. have 1 array, combine , containing ajax results both getmovies , getgames, , i've attempted sort before displaying autocomplete suggestions (the commented out section in code below), it's c...

Request hangs for nginx reverse proxy to an ASP.NET 5 web application on docker -

i trying nginx, 5, docker , docker compose working on development environment cannot see working far. this state , let me briefly explain here well. i have following docker-compose.yml file: webapp: build: . dockerfile: docker-webapp.dockerfile container_name: hasample_webapp ports: - "5090:5090" nginx: build: . dockerfile: docker-nginx.dockerfile container_name: hasample_nginx ports: - "5000:80" links: - webapp:webapp docker-nginx.dockerfile file: from nginx copy ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and docker-webapp.dockerfile file: from microsoft/aspnet:1.0.0-rc1-update1 copy ./webapp/project.json /app/webapp/ copy ./nuget.config /app/ copy ./global.json /app/ workdir /app/webapp run ["dnu", "restore"] add ./webapp /app/webapp/ expose 5090 entrypoint ["dnx", "run"] nginx.conf file: worker_processes 4; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { upstream web...

django - using an auth token with an event -

an issue having determining how create security token associated page secure page , hold information visitor. i'd prefer hash function instead of encrypt because faster. optimal method can send url like: /event/1?token=239874dsjakl.jf82374hanfan where token have information in related person clicking link , event? use salts or encryption/decryption worthwhile? you can create table store information associated generated token: class authtoken(models.model): token = models.charfield(max_length=255) user = models.foreignkey(user) used = models.booleanfield(default=false) # add additional fields need store information token # event = models.foreignkey.... to generate random cryptographically secure token, use os.urandom() . work: binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode('utf-8') # 64 character string then can use token in url. e.g. /event/1?token=0c5a2774537834e870c2dbab1059eb7358fee7da879e0f14748a35414082ea24

html - How can you do this in CSS -

what best way in css without using float property; i know how add icon i'm not sure how add icon before heading , paragraph. an html5/css3 approach use proper markup instead of 1999-style tables, , style them single flexbox reference: section { display:flex; } <section> <figure><img src="//"></figure> <article> <h2>lorem ipsum</h2> <p>dolor sit amet etc. etc.</p> </article> </section> an added advantage of approach can add flex-direction:column in media query make responsive small screens.

mongodb - When is blocking code acceptable in node.js? -

i know blocking code discouraged in node.js because single-threaded. question asking whether or not blocking code acceptable in circumstances. for example, if running express webserver requires mongodb connection, acceptable block event loop until database connection established? assuming pages served express require database query (which fail if mongodb not initialized). another example application requires contents of configuration file before being initializing. there benefit in using fs.readfile on fs.readfilesync in case? is there way work around this? wrapping code in callback or promise best way go? how different using blocking code in above examples? it decide acceptable. , determining consequences of blocking ... on case-by-case basis. analysis take account: how occurs, how long event loop blocked, and the impact blocking in context have on usability 1 . obviously, there ways avoid blocking, these tend add complexity application. really, nee...

batch file - How to close window with .bat script? -

i have ran slight problem while configuring keybinds mouse. the thing want achieve open program backround(open or closed window) , close again, not kill task(eqivalent x-button, keeps running in backround) i have set mouse start application called (which able of fast file system searches) i have figured out code: taskkill /f /im everything.exe which can run macro key can kill application. dont want kill application window, becase takes while index important files once have restart it. so heres question there way bring window/task front of screen or trigger x button event, without having kill entire process ? also mouse(g600) supports lua scripting, proabbly more harder way go it. minimizing window can done activating window (bringing foreground) using sendkeys() send alt + space , whatever letter locale has underlined "minimize" ( n in english windows). here's one of possibly dozens of examples of using vbscript. that sequence overused, in...

java - Return value of filled JComboBox and using the values to fill JTextField -

i'm coding jframe opens joptionpane through jmenubar. joptionpane have combobox lot of different string values. after jcombobox there jtextfield. i want text select in jcombobox inserted next jtextfield , updated everytime select new string value in jcombobox. please help! class dateiadapter implements actionlistener { public void actionperformed(actionevent event) { jmenuitem change = (jmenuitem) event.getsource(); jcombobox allequest = new jcombobox(ah.getline(1)); //this combobox gets lot of different values different class // actionlistener actionlistener cbactionlistener = new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { string s = (string) allquest.getselecteditem(); //gets selected string of jcombobox system.out.println("\n" + s); // want use string s outside of here, } }; allquest.addactionlistener(cbactionlistener); jtextfield questions = new j...

matlab - using singular value decomposition (svd) in quadratic regression -

in order quadratic regression on rather large data set solve following equation using svd(singular value decomposition): b(nx1)=a(nx3)*x(3x1) thinking use matlab that, tips? goal compute matrix x it seems call quadratic regression minimal square error regression. in case computation easy: 1) multiply both left sides a'(3xn) arriving to a'(3xn)b(nx1) = a'(3xn)a(nx3) x(3x1) 2) multiply both left sides inverse of a'(nx1) a(nx3) arriving to inv(a'(3xn)a(nx3))a'(3xn)b(nx1) = x(3x1) 3) use svd evaluate inverse above, see most efficient matrix inversion in matlab see minimizing error of formula in matlab (least squares?)

My SCCM 2007 SQL Web Report is not displaying results -

i created sccm sql report using sql management studio. created following prompts asset management office use on web report: publisher, display name, , version. the display name , version prompts both optional. i receive no syntax errors or anything, receive absolutely no results whatsoever when click on display button produce web report. here sql code: ================================================================================== select dbo.v_r_system.netbios_name0, dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.displayname0, dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.version0, dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.publisher0 from dbo.v_r_system inner join dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs on dbo.v_r_system.resourceid = dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.resourceid where dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.displayname0 = @displayname , dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.version0 = @version , dbo.v_gs_add_remove_programs.publisher0 = @publisher order by dbo.v_g...

php - Internal Server Error Ajax request on Laravel 5.2.10 project -

i'm working on laravel 5.2.10 project, trying fetch data via ajax i'm getting 500 error, , can't find i'm missing out. this part of routes.php route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () { route::auth(); route::get('/home', 'homecontroller@index'); route::get('/videos', 'videoscontroller@index'); route::post('/videos/fetch', array('before' => 'ajax_check'), 'ajaxcontroller@postfetch'); }); on 'ajaxcontroller.php' i've got function public function postfetch() { //process data , come $data return view('videos')->with('video_data', $data); } and js ajax call var request = $.ajax({ url: "/videos/fetch", method: "post", data: { url : url } }); jqxhr, textstatus ) { alert( "request failed: " + textstatus ); }); methodnotallowedhttpexception i... mvc - How to extract JSON data received in controller in a String variable -

could please let me know how extract json data received in string variable in controller. please see attachment.thanks. $("#btn1").on("click", function () { var = new array(); var j = 0; $("#sl1").multiselect("getchecked").map(function () { alert(this.value); i.push(this.value); //i[j] = this.value; //j++; }).get(); var postdata = { values: }; jquery.ajaxsettings.traditional = true; $.post('/todolist/searchdata', postdata, function (data) { alert(data.result); }); //$.ajax({ // type: "post", // url: "/todolist/searchdata", // data: postdata, // success: function (data) { // alert(data.result); // }, // datatype: "json", // traditional: true //}); }); controller code:- public void searchdata(string[] values) { //{ // java...

scala - How to pass one RDD in another RDD through .map -

i have 2 rdd's, , want computation on rdd2 items each item of rdd1. so, passing rdd2 in user defined function below getting error rdd1 cannot passed in rdd . can know how achieve if want perform operations on 2 rdd's? for example: =>function(line,rdd2)) nesting rdds not supported spark, error says. have go around redesigning algorithm. how depends on actual use case, happen in function , it's output. sometimes rdd1.cartesian(rdd2) , doing operations per tuple , reducing key work. sometimes, if have (k,v) type join between both rdd work. if rdd2 small can collect in driver, make broadcast variable , use variable in function instead of rdd2 . @edit: for example's sake let's assume rdds hold strings , function count how many times given record rdd occurs in rdd2 : def function(line: string, rdd: rdd[string]): (string, int) = { (line, rdd.filter(_ == line).count) } this return rdd[(string, int)] . idea1 you c...

ios - What permissions does the facebook app need in order to post on the timeline of the user who logged in using Facebook Login? -

i building ios app user takes photo, writes title, description , posts on his/her timeline. before actual posting takes place user has login using facebook , authorize himself/herself. our backend on ruby on rails , using koala gem. so, when user logs in using facebook , reaches authentication screen says "this app doesn't post on facebook" however, want do. so, confused permissions need facebook users can post on own timelines using app. it not user_posts. permissions need?

php - New Relic Error Reporting - Stop Catching E_NOTICE errors -

the issue have right is hard find actual bugs because many e_notices found. have 600 sites on our server complicated scripts, , i've done lot handle great deal of them, there still quite few. i receive email , text every time error percentage high, great prevent problems. i'm sure i'm not 1 encounter problem -- there recommended solution? i've tried setting error_reporting( e_all ^ e_notice ); hasn't stopped it. one possible solution i've thought of not setting new relic error handler, using own, , sending them error if it's not e_notice. haven't figured out how yet. new relics's php agent not trace e_notice errors unless you've explicitly used set_error_handler(newrelic_notice_error); if you'd new relic trace not uncaught exceptions, creating own error handler calls newrelic_notice_error make sense. there more information regarding in new relic documentation: in cases, not ...

swift2 - Why doesn't map display anything? -

i have following in awakewithcontext(): let coord = cllocationcoordinate2d(latitude: 40.748433,longitude: -73.985656) let region = mkcoordinateregion(center: coord, span: mkcoordinatespanmake(10, 10)) mymap.setregion(region) mymap have iboutlet map nothing displaying. ideas i'm doing wrong? it works fine in ios app nothing on watch. just try set autoresizingmask : mymap.autoresizingmask = [uiviewautoresizing.flexiblewidth, uiviewautoresizing.flexibleheight] also, try disconnect , reconnect outlet. mvc 4 - How display the last n of records in MVC -

i taking last 4 four comments , want display in tooltip, doing below code showing contents "system.collection.generic.list" var list = db.po_prd_comments.where(t => t.po_trgcal_id == && t.reply == false).orderbydescending(t => t.po_trgcal_id).take(4).tolist(); list<string> comments = new list<string>(); if (list.count != 0) { foreach (var ts in list) { comments.add(ts.prdcomment); if (list.count == 1) { notify = list.singleordefault().notify; } else { notify = true; } } } <td> <a href="#" onclick="popup4(@countid)" title="@comments" <img src="~/images/comment.gif"/></a> </td> how display these 4 comments in tooltip. comments list of string. need convert single string , use...

html - Margin issue only in a certain media query -

i running strange issue throwing off whole page in media query range of @media screen , (min-width: 640px) , (max-width:840px) . reason looks getting margin-left applied first box-container have, in code there isn't margin-left set. tried apply start of div blue-box-container right after sibling above eliminate white-space, did not help. does have idea why getting white-space left of first blue box? if needs see live, can add website inside of comments. please comment if wanting it. .blue-box-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .dark-blue-box, .light-blue-box { height: 33%; width: 50%; display: inline-block; } .dark-blue-box:hover .box-description-hover, .light-blue-box:hover .box-description-hover { display: block; font-size: 1.1em; padding-top: 10px; } .dark-blue-box:hover .box-description-hover, .light-blue-box:hover .box-description-hover { display: block; font-size: .9em; padding-top: 5px; clear: both; } .dark...

python - Compare linear probing with quadratic probing to see which one results in fewer collisions, given different load factors of the hash table -

i need implement insert function takes key, hash table, , probe function arguments , inserts key hash table, using probe function whenever collision occurs. insert function returns number of collisions occurred during insertion. below code coded not sure whether going in right direction or not. import random import math def linear_probe(random_list, m): hash_table = [none]*m count = 0 in random_list: stop = false hash = % m while not stop: if hash_table[hash] == none: hash_table[hash] = stop = true else: hash = (hash+1) % m count +=1 return count def quadratic_probe(random_list, m): hash_table = [none]*m count = 0 in random_list: j = 1 stop = false hash = % m while not stop: if hash_table[hash] == none: hash_table[hash] = stop = true else: ... - MongoDB Driver C# trying to do basic math but don't understand aggregation -

i have collection of bsondocuments each have field named "engagement" (which number) , field named "color". total sum of cost bsondocuments "color" = "blue". so far i've found need this: var collection = db.getcollection<bsondocument>("collectionname"); var match = new bsondocument { { "$match", new bsondocument { {"sentiment", "positive"} } } }; var group = new bsondocument { { "$group", new bsondocument { { "sum", new bsondocument { { ...

Plone 4.2.5: Disallowed to paste item(s) -

today upgrade plone 4.1.4 latest 4.2.5 through buildout. everthing works except paste. when paste page folder, traceback shows: traceback (innermost last): module zpublisher.publish, line 126, in publish module zpublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply module zpublisher.publish, line 46, in call_object module products.cmfformcontroller.fscontrollerpythonscript, line 105, in __call__ module products.cmfformcontroller.script, line 145, in __call__ module products.cmfcore.fspythonscript, line 127, in __call__ module shared.dc.scripts.bindings, line 322, in __call__ module shared.dc.scripts.bindings, line 359, in _bindandexec module products.pythonscripts.pythonscript, line 344, in _exec module script, line 33, in folder_paste - <fscontrollerpythonscript @ /keti/folder_paste used /keti/switch1> - line 33 exception: disallowed paste item(s). i need help. usually error thrown, if 'allowed content types add' restricted, doubt correlation of...

explanation of d3.js transform and translate functions -

can explain transform , translate doing here: d3.transform([0]).attr('transform')).translate[1]; the tick in above xaxis , value might translate(0,280) . so can see picking out second value of translate function why need wrap in d3.transform ? d3.transform helper function. since there many transformations available eg. translate , rotate , scale , of value goes inside same value field difficult extract single transformation. <circle cx="10" cy="20" r="15" transform="translate(0,100)scale(2, 2)rotate(180)"></circle> but if wrap selected objects transform attribute d3.transform can access individual components d3.transform() functions methods. eg. var c ='circle'); var tx = d3.transform(c.attr('transform')).translate var scale = d3.transform(c.attr('transform')).scale var rotate = d3.transform(c.attr('transform')).rotate hope helpful. ...

android - Updating Eclipse SDK Error -

i updated sdk, , says need have sdk have. when check updates , try update options, this: an error occurred while collecting items installed session context was:(profile=profile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.collect, operand=, action=). no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no repository found containing: osgi.bundle,,21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 no re...

c# - Processing int to name of list -

i try write simple console application hanoi towers. stuck @ 1 point. in program ask person write tower wants put disk, but: have 3 lists towers, i'll ask number gamer , how can build "compare method"? because don't want copy same piece of code 6 times... class towers : disks { //public towers(int value, int whereitis) : base(value, whereitis) { } public list<disks> tower1 = new list<disks>(); public list<disks> tower2 = new list<disks>(); public list<disks> tower3 = new list<disks>(); public void compare(int dyskfrom, int dyskwhere) { } public void display() { foreach(var in tower1){ console.writeline("where: {0} | value: {1}", i.whereitis, i.value); } } public void build(int towerhigh) { (int = towerhigh; > 0; i--) { tower1.add(new disks {value = i, whereitis = 1 }); } } } class disks { public int value; /...

javascript - store image src in a js variable so that it can be used to display background image -

how store image src of above image tag in javascript variable? <img class="preview" alt="styling bandana" src="" onmouseover="update(this)" onmouseout="undo()"> i need url can enter in here document.getelementbyid("image").style.backgroundimage = "url(' + imgsrc + ')"; and background image jquery = .attr('src'); js = .getattribute('src');

Should I start using boost as a C++ Beginner? -

i have been learning c++ thinking in c++- bruce eckel , have take so's clear of doubts . of late, have been going through stuffs dealing smart pointers, postfix , prefic overloading , overloading other operators -> , ->* seemed hard nut me hold of. thus, while going through question dynamics of overloading ->* operator , came know lot smart pointers , new library called boost. now, feasible , constructive me start using library when getting hold of c++ knowledge because provides lot of different things shared_pointers etc aren't directly available in c++ standard libraries apart many other optimizations , functions or should stick stick basics of eckel , later go looking boost. know more boost library (the things , bad things involved in using it). in advance as pointed out others, take @ what's newly available in c++11 . boost huge library depend on specific part of boost had planned make use of.

Ffmpeg show an image for multiple seconds before a video without re-encoding -

i've been looking around this. problem google searches end being creating video solely png files. i've found command job : ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -framerate 60 -t 5 -i firstimage.jpg -t 5 -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -loop 1 -framerate 60 -t 5 -i secondimage.png -t 5 -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -loop 1 -framerate 60 -t 5 -i thirdimage.png -t 5 -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -i "shadowplayvid.mp4" -filter_complex "[0:0][1:0][2:0][3:0][4:0][5:0][6:0][6:1] concat=n=4:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map [v] -map [a] output.mp4 >> log_file1.txt 2>&1 but seems reencode whole video, input video h.264 without cfr, seems me putting images before video shouldn't take long. because ends encoding whole thing, takes 2 hours video of 30 minutes on strong computer, while feel without encoding should able done quicker. how make sure doesn't re-encode while maintaining every image showing 5 seconds first? generate playervid.mp4 via ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -framerate 60 -t 5 ...