android - lazy load in an expandable list view with over 30 thousand items -

  1. i looking solution handle 30,000 groupitems using infinite scroll or lazy load within expandable list view? how implement mycustomadapter?

the items loaded local .txt file array , populated expandable list.

  1. how handle filter many items because on each keydown app freezes, depending on device use.

here customadapter:

public class mycustomadapter extends baseexpandablelistadapter {     private layoutinflater inflater;     private arraylist<parent> mparent;     private static final string tag = "mycustomadapter: ";     private static final boolean debug = true;     private arraylist<parent> arraylist;     context acontext;      public mycustomadapter(context context, arraylist<parent> parent){         mparent = parent;         inflater = (layoutinflater) context                 .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);          this.arraylist = new arraylist<>();         this.arraylist.addall(parent);       }       @override     //counts number of group/parent items list knows how many times calls getgroupview() method     public int getgroupcount() {         return mparent.size();     }      @override     //counts number of children items list knows how many times calls getchildview() method     public int getchildrencount(int i) {         return mparent.get(i).getarraychildren().size();     }      @override     //gets title of each parent/group     public object getgroup(int i) {         return mparent.get(i).gettitle();     }      public object getgroupname(int i){         return mparent.get(i).getname();     }      @override     //gets name of each item     public object getchild(int i, int i1) {         return mparent.get(i).getarraychildren().get(i1);     }      @override     public long getgroupid(int i) {         return i;     }      @override     public long getchildid(int i, int i1) {         return i1;     }      @override     public boolean hasstableids() {         return true;     }      @override     //in method must set text see parent/group on list     public view getgroupview(int groupposition, boolean isexpanded, view view, viewgroup viewgroup) {          viewholder holder = new viewholder();         holder.groupposition = groupposition;          if (view == null) {              view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.list_item_parent, viewgroup, false);         }          parent item = mparent.get(groupposition);         //if (debug)log.e(tag, "selected text: " + (item.getname()));         textview nametext = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;         nametext.settext(item.getname());            textview countrylanguagegenretext = (textview) view.findviewbyid((;         countrylanguagegenretext.settext(item.getcountrylanguagegenre());            view.settag(holder);          //return entire view         return view;     }      @override     //in method must set text see children on list     public view getchildview(int groupposition, int childposition, boolean islastchild, view view, viewgroup viewgroup) {          viewholder holder = new viewholder();         holder.childposition = childposition;         holder.groupposition = groupposition;          if (view == null) {             view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.list_item_child, viewgroup, false);         }          textview textview = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;         textview.settext(mparent.get(groupposition).getarraychildren().get(childposition));           view.settag(holder);          //return entire view         return view;     }      @override     public boolean ischildselectable(int i, int i1) {         return true;     }      @override     public void registerdatasetobserver(datasetobserver observer) {         /* used make notifydatasetchanged() method work */         super.registerdatasetobserver(observer);     }        protected class viewholder {         protected int childposition;         protected int groupposition;         protected button button;     }       // filter class     public void filter(string chartext) {         chartext = chartext.tolowercase(locale.getdefault());         mparent.clear();         if (chartext.length() == 0) {             mparent.addall(arraylist);         }         else         {             (parent wp : arraylist)             {                 if (wp.getsearchstring().tolowercase(locale.getdefault()).contains(chartext))                 {                     mparent.add(wp);                 }             }         }         notifydatasetchanged();     } } 

one of qualities of list view gets recycled , recreated visible list items. problem not length of items in list view. inefficiency of reading file.

i suggest use database backed design give application more stability can filters working.


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