angularjs - Dynamic routing in Foundation for Apps with multiple children and multiple parameters -

i trying dynamic routing foundation apps, , can't find out how have multiple parameters in route child of child. route be:


and example is:


in order call 1 of paths in foundation,

<a ui-sref="issues({issuetype: 'severe'})"> severe issues </a> 

my guess (which incorrect) call multiple children parameters is:

<a ui-sref="issues({issuetype: 'severe'}).issuedetail({issueid: '123'})"> issue 123 </a> 

now realize may make more sense call issues/issuedetail/123 rather including first parameter, there case issue id's unique issue type, or there's fact want $stateparams contain both parameters when navigating back.

any appreciated!

you have state each route.

.state( 'issues', { url: '/issues' }, ...) .state( 'issuestype', { url: '/issues/:issuetype' }, ...) .state( 'issuesdetail', { url: '/issues/:issuetype/:issueid' }, ...) 

this simplified further using "nested" or "abstract" states. (here video tutorial on abstract states in ui-router)


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