mvc - How to extract JSON data received in controller in a String variable -

could please let me know how extract json data received in string variable in controller. please see attachment.thanks.

image showing json data received in controller

 $("#btn1").on("click", function () {     var = new array();     var j = 0;     $("#sl1").multiselect("getchecked").map(function () {         alert(this.value);         i.push(this.value);         //i[j] = this.value;                              //j++;      }).get();     var postdata = { values: };     jquery.ajaxsettings.traditional = true;     $.post('/todolist/searchdata', postdata, function (data) {          alert(data.result);     });     //$.ajax({     //    type: "post",     //    url: "/todolist/searchdata",     //    data: postdata,     //    success: function (data) {     //        alert(data.result);     //    },     //    datatype: "json",     //    traditional: true     //});  }); 

controller code:-

public void searchdata(string[] values)     {     //{     //    javascriptserializer js = new javascriptserializer();     //   list<string[][]> data=js.deserialize<list<string[][]>>(i);         console.writeline(values);      } 

you can use newtonsoft json library

so mentioned in below link use below

string json = @"{ 'email': '', 'active': true, 'createddate': '2013-01-20t00:00:00z', 'roles': [ 'user', 'admin' ] }";

account account = jsonconvert.deserializeobject(json);

if doesn't have model , use below

var model = jsonconvert.deserializeobject(json);

the check below link


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