AngularJS: Video disable autoplay and preload not working -

note: strictly angular solutions please. no jquery. default video controls not work our scenario.

scenario: click play button, load , play video. should not preload video unless button clicked.

but, both preloading , autoplaying without button click. missing in fiddle?


<div ng-app ng-controller="videoctrl">  <video preload="preload" autoplay="autoplay">     <source src="">   </video>   <button ng-click="playvideo($event)">play</button> </div> 


function videoctrl($scope) {     $scope.autoplay = false;   $scope.preload = "none";    $scope.playvideo = function () {     console.log("hello");     $scope.autoplay = true;     $scope.preload = "auto";   } } 


div {   position:relative;   width:300px;   height:150px; } button {   position:absolute;   top:50px;   left:120px;  }

thanks in advance.

here solution few assumptions :
jsfiddle solution

<body ng-app="videoapp">         <div ng-controller="videoctrl">           <video id="videoid" preload="preload">             <source src="">           </video>         <button play-video > play         </button>        </div>     </body> 


var myapp = angular.module('videoapp', []); myapp.controller('videoctrl', videoctrl);  function videoctrl($scope) {  $scope.hideplay=true;    $scope.preload = "none"; } myapp.directive('playvideo', playvideo);  function playvideo() {   return {     restrict: 'a',     link: function(scope, element) {       element.bind('click', function() {        element.css('display','none');         var videoelements = angular.element(document.getelementbyid('videoid'));         videoelements[0].play();       });      }   }  } 


div {   position: relative;   width: 300px;   height: 150px; }  button {   position: absolute;   top: 50px;   padding:6px;   left: 120px; } 

1. needed play button on player
2. video controls hidden
3. play button should hidden on click


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