javascript - How to catch combobox itemclick event in a controller -

i know how catch "regular" events in controllers, defined in listeners, not know how catch itemclick event, different. if did not use controller, so:

xtype: 'combobox', ..., itemid: 'some_id', listconfig: {     listeners:{         'itemclick':{                 fn: function(view, node) {                      ...                  }          }     }  } 

but how can catch event in controller:

... init:function(){     this.control({          ... how ??? 

i tried this:

    this.control({         '[itemid=some_id]':{             itemclick: this.dosomething         },         ... 

and not work. so, guess, there special event.

ext.form.field.combobox extension of ext.form.field.picker , picker ext.view.boundlistview

createpicker: function() {     var me = this,         picker,         pickercfg = ext.apply({             xtype: 'boundlist',             pickerfield: me,             selmodel: {                 mode: me.multiselect ? 'simple' : 'single'             },             floating: true,             hidden: true,             store:,             displayfield: me.displayfield,             focusontofront: false,             pagesize: me.pagesize,             tpl: me.tpl         }, me.listconfig, me.defaultlistconfig);      picker = me.picker = ext.widget(pickercfg);     if (me.pagesize) {         picker.pagingtoolbar.on('beforechange', me.onpagechange, me);     }      ... }, 

so can try like

this.control({     'combo[name=mycombo] boundlist': {         itemclick: this.myhandler     } }); 


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