Oxyplot division color change -

does know how change color of division markers on oxyplot? can't seem find specific property anywhere. here code using produce plot below. can see division markers black. change color. thanks.

 <oxy:plot plotareabordercolor="white"  background="#242426" textcolor="white" margin="5" title="x , y fpos" titlefontsize="12" grid.row="0" grid.columnspan="2">         <oxy:lineseries itemssource="{binding xydata}"/>     </oxy:plot> 

enter image description here

the property looking ticklinecolor. have in both axes:


effect acquired


<oxy:plot> ...     <oxy:plot.axes>         <oxy:linearaxis position="left" ticklinecolor="white" />         <oxy:linearaxis position="bottom" ticklinecolor="white" />         <oxy:plot.axes> </oxy:plot> 


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