Call VBA Class Module in Excel formula -

i know function of module can called in formula this:


now call class module function. don't know if class module can instantiated in formula @ i've created function in module can call =getmymodulefunction():

' class module myclassmodule: public property myproperty() string     myproperty = "hello world!" end property  public function getmyfunction() string      getmyfunction = "hello world!"  end function ' end class module myclassmodule  ' module mymodule: public function getmyclassmodule() myclassmodule     set getmyclassmodule = new myclassmodule  end function ' end module mymodule 

so after tried in formula bar:

=getmyclassmodule().getmyfunction() =getmyclassmodule().myproperty 

which shows error dialog formula invalid. not possible i'm trying achieve here? use modules instead functions , subs duplicate names confusing , error prone use in modules..

your question similar question asked here: call vba function returns custom type spreadsheet

you can return data types excel understands user-defined function. excel not understand custom data types.

but can wrap class properties or functions regular module function (udf) so:

 public function getmyclassmodulefunction() string      getmyclassmodulefunction = getmyclassmodule.getmyfunction()  end function 


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