
Showing posts from March, 2012

firefox - Adding a location bar shortcut for sending a new mail (via Gmail)? -

is there way can type command in location bar , browser open "new mail interface" in current tab. so, don't have go gmail , click on compose button? this works... you can start filling in email too... cheers!

javascript - Regex Pattern Throwing a Lexer Error AngularJS -

i'm getting lexer error when using ng-pattern on input element my regex test phone-numbers , on input looks this: <input type="text" class="phone" ng-pattern="(\(?([0-9]{3})\)?)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})" placeholder="phone number" ng-model="" required /> and angular yells @ me , gives me error: error: [$parse:lexerr] lexer error: unexpected next character @ columns 1-1 [\] in expression [(\(?([0-9]{3})\)?)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})]. now can see it's getting angry \ . don't know how write regex without escaping that. funny thing is, test works , validate correctly, hate throwing error nothing. any ideas why happening? thanks you need escape \ in string because ngpattern takes string , wraps in new regexp('stringhere') requires escape character .

java - How can I call a subclass method using a superclass object? -

i'm having issue code need call subclass method using superclass object. there possible way or work around? i'm stumped , there no helpful answer issue. string basiccommand = commands[0]; string advcommand = commands[1]; string percommand = commands[2]; if (objectname.get(advcommand)instanceof circle){ objectname.get(advcommand); //.changesize(reader.converttoint(percommand)); advcommand of type shape superclass of class circle , , method changesize() within circle . *data within hashmap. you need instantiate based on classname: class cc = class.forname(advcommand); circle c = (circle)c.newinstance(); c.changesize(reader.converttoint(percommand));

jquery - -ms-overflow-style: none Doesn't work with IE 11 -

i need hide scrollbar found in iframe when using ie 11. as read "-ms-overflow-style: none" works ie 10 , can need: unlike overflow: hidden, elements -ms-overflow-style: none can still scrolled via touch panning, keyboard, or mouse wheel. any suggestion please? thank you!

timezone - initialized POSIXct value different from printed values in R -

below, write small code compare results of output of posixct , print value. know why values in loop different printed values or x variable? timezones <- data.frame(dst_start= '2012-03-11 3:00', tzname='america/vancouver') timezones$tzname <- as.character(timezones$tzname) # initialize column timezones$et_dst_start <- .posixct(1) timezones$et_dst_start[1] <- as.posixct(timezones$dst_start[1], tz=timezones$tzname[1]) # assigned value dataframe timezones$et_dst_start[1] # as.posixct(timezones$dst_start[1], tz=timezones$tzname[1]) # assigned value non_initialized variable x <- as.posixct(timezones$dst_start[1], tz=timezones$tzname[1]) x why et_dst_start value differ x or when directly convert it? think has initializing column, don't know why happens. thoughts? it has indeed initializing column. reason posixct object comes time zone attribute. not attribute of separate element of vector, ...

c# - Web Request asynchronous iscompleted -

i use this. but how can know request iscompleted? how know work done? i use : postasync(url, postparameters, callbackstate => { if (callbackstate.exception != null) { throw callbackstate.exception; } else { writecallback(getresponsetext(callbackstate.responsestream)); } }); but not know whether ends process? in documentation says: each of these methods requires callback delegate called response of http call[...] callback called each response, , when response received , continue on processing response see fit whatever callbackstate delegate, hold response content. that's how know finished. edit: example docs. servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit = 50; var url = "http://localhost/httptaskserver/default.aspx"; var iterations = 1000; (int = 0; < iterations; i++) { var postparameters = new na...

python - searching for doubles with regular expressions -

this question has answer here: how extract floating number string [duplicate] 7 answers is there regular expression match floating point numbers not if part of construct 15.01.2016? re.match(rex, s) should successful if s be 1.0a 1.b .1 and not successful s like 1.0.0 1.0.1 12345.657.345 edit: crucial part combination of constrains: "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" , not part of "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)+" you can use regex based on arounds in python: (?<![\d.])(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.\d*)(?![\d.]) regex demo (?![\d.]) lookahead assertion fail match if next char dot or digit (?<![\d.]) lookbehind assertion fail match if previous char dot or digit

templates - Visual C++ 2015 std::function vs C2893 -

so experimenting std::function , templates , came code below. unfortunately turns out cause c2893 on visual studio 2015 (maybe works fine on other compilers?). not know whether helps when replace first parameter of nexthandler void* compilation error goes away... #include <functional> template<typename t> class block { public: typedef block currentblock; typedef t nextblock; typedef std::function<void (currentblock& currentblock, nextblock& nextblock)> nexthandler; private: nextblock* _nextblock; nexthandler _nexthandler; protected: virtual void doprocess() = 0; public: nextblock& next(nextblock& nextblock, nexthandler handler) { _nextblock = &nextblock; _nexthandler = handler; return nextblock; } void process() { doprocess(); _nexthandler(*this, *_nextblock); _nextblock->process(); } }; template<> c...

Memory discrepencies between R workspace and on disk for same object -

i can't find information , not sure other keywords google, apologies if duplicate. i have some lists of data.tables in workspace, displayed here: > lsos() type size prettysize rows columns all_subsets list 46673512 44.5 mb 3 na glm_macro.part_1 list 15817064 15.1 mb 2 na glm_macro.part_2 list 15817064 15.1 mb 2 na glm_macro.part_3 list 15289864 14.6 mb 2 na i need save last 3 items in list disk. using save() , .rda extension, e.g. save(glm_macro.part_1, file = "glm_macro.part_1.rda") looking on disk, however, size of 3 respective files 270.7, 268.8 , 262.6 mb . ~18 times larger. is there known reason this? my hunch way data.table uses referencing, meaning data not copied, rather referenced original data set. see here example of how works . when save data disk, maybe forces copying of data.tables, referencing doing enough within r workspace. termi...

Is Extreme Image Optimization Possible in Java? -

i attempting write image optimization software in java. first , obvious step strip exif metadata, have done successfully. tried compress images using imageio , compression quality parameter below: filepath=chosen.getcanonicalpath()+"-temp.jpg"; file=new file(filepath); iterator<imagewriter> writers = imageio.getimagewritersbyformatname("jpg"); if (!writers.hasnext()){ throw new illegalstateexception("no writers found"); } outputstream os = new fileoutputstream(file); imagewriter writer = (imagewriter); imageoutputstream ios = imageio.createimageoutputstream(os); writer.setoutput(ios); imagewriteparam param = writer.getdefaultwriteparam(); param.setcompressionmode(imagewriteparam.mode_explicit); param.setcompressionquality(0.9f); writer.write(null, new iioimage(optimized, null, null), param); however, doesn't work well. works sort of okay when source image different format (i.e. not jpeg), when compressing jpeg jpeg, ma...

javascript - Automatically post form with onclick event -

there page shows button , needs user action able event handlers. the page handles of variables , processing values: $returnstring .= '<form action="" method="post">'; $returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="cost" value='.$cost.' />'; $returnstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="page" value='.$pageid.' />'; $confirm_purchase = esc_attr(get_option('my_confirm_purchase')); $returnstring .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="purchase" onclick="return confirm(\''.$confirm_purchase.'\')" />'; $returnstring .= '</form>'; i need process form automatically. tried window.onload , auto submit referring form id, did not work. the page submitting form automatically , need change onclick event automatically, too. is there way can handle issue? how can change st...

angularjs - angular 1.5 Routing using $routeConfig vs $router.config -

i working more new angular router. of posts see around 2.0 should similar. however, have been working through source code . i have noticed there use of $routerrootcomponent. have been trying figure out if can used default starting place components. however, getting error error: component "root" has no route config. i believed setting routeconfig correctly in controller component ... (function() { 'use strict;' angular .module('componenttutorial.home') .value('$routerrootcomponent', 'componenttutorial.home') .component('home',homecomponentoptions); var homecomponentoptions = { bindings: { title: '@' }, templateurl: 'app/home/home.html', controller: homecontroller } function homecontroller ($router...

mysqli - PHP undefined variable inside the same function -

i've been searching answer while, no luck: have defined variable inside function , try use in same function, php gives me this: notice: undefined variable: query in c:\xampp\htdocs\liquidity\includes\layout\dbbroker.php on line 42 warning: mysqli_query(): empty query in c:\xampp\htdocs\liquidity\includes\layout\dbbroker.php on line 42 how possible? define , use inside same function. function prikaziclanove, 1 "//here problem starts" next it. code: <?php define ("dbhost", "localhost"); define("dbuser", "standard_user"); define("dbpass", "standard"); define("dbname", "liquidity"); class dbbroker { private $dbhost; private $dbuser; private $dbpass; private $dbname; private $conn; function __construct() { //connects db , checks connection $this->dbhost = dbhost; $this->dbuser = dbu...

javascript - How can I create an accordion with jQuery in WordPress? -

i trying create accordion little bit different most. what trying do: have title when clicked description displayed across width of page i have titles split across screen 3 columns; therefore title not span width of page basically looking this: as can see little different cases. found live demo of similar trying do, can found here . what i've done far: i have been using cherry framework , using shortcodes try work, run issues when try expand description out title. not sure if there way edit accordian shortcode allow description go full width or not, think ideal. here code far: [tabs direction="top" tab1="the first tab" tab2="the second tab" tab3="the third tab"] [tab1] [row] [span4] [accordion title="title 1"] lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras lorem lectus, porta et nulla ut, bibendum placerat sem. aliquam consequat ante, cursus posuere eros. fusce ac turpis in turpis...

How to make the C++ recursion program terminate -

why program not terminate after return , how make terminate ? note: intent here find median if helps in understanding program. question pure c++ related. no needed in finding median. please focus on how can return answer once have fount it. #include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; int pivot2(vector<int> &v, int pivot) { vector<int> v_copy(v.size()); //int pivot = v.size() / 2; //1. sort array mid term int count_less = 0; int j = 0; (unsigned int = 0; <v.size() ; i++) { if (v[i]< v[pivot]) { v_copy[j]=v[i]; j++; count_less++; } } v_copy[j]=v[pivot]; j++; (unsigned int = 0; <v.size(); i++) { if (v[i]> v[pivot]) { v_copy[j]...

c# - FileSystemWatcher - Log Results in UI -

i building program supposed watch project folder change in source code , send these changes somewhere , in process, log files changed in windows form textbox. the code looks this: void form_load(object sender, eventargs e) { filesystemwatcher fsw = new filesystemwatcher("c:\\test"); fsw.created += file_created; } void file_created(object sender, filesystemeventargs e) { string name = path.getfilename(e.fullpath); logs.text += name + environment.newline; } of course, not actual code it's enough see point. every time file_created event triggered, creates new thread , i'm unable interact ui event, throws exception. everything else in program works except logging part it's kinda annoying. is there way around it? thanks, arik if want update ui other thread need use: dispatcher.invoke(new action(() => { logs.text += name + environment.newline; })); i hope can you

python - Django backup strategy with dumpdata and migrations -

as in this question , set dumpdata -based backup system database. setup akin running cron script calls dumpdata , moves backup remote server, aim of using loaddata recover database. however, i'm not sure plays migrations . loaddata has ignorenonexistent switch deal deleted models/fields, not able resolve cases columns added one-off defaults or apply runpython code. the way see it, there 2 sub-problems address: tag each dumpdata output file current version of each app splice fixtures migration path i'm stumped how tackle first problem without introducing ton of overhead. enough save file per backup contained {app_name: migration_number} mapping? the second problem think easier once first 1 solved, since process roughly: create new database run migrations forward appropriate point each app call loaddata given fixture file run rest of migrations there's code in this question (linked bug report) think adapted purpose. since these regular/lar...

javascript - Setting object data in nested for loop -

i have scope variable called jobs array of objects each department , data. [ “accounting”: { “foo” : “foo”, “bar” : bar" }, “delivery”: { “foo”: “foo”, “bar”: “bar } ] the html5 date input requires dates converted using new date() in javascript though in correct yyyy-mm-dd format specified. go through hand , type in each date needs converted, wanted use nested foreach because have lot of dates convert. angular.foreach($scope.job, function(value, key){ angular.foreach(value, function(innervalue, innerkey){ if(typeof(innervalue) === "string"){ var matches = innervalue.match(/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}/); if(matches){ // need set $scope.job.key.innerkey = new date($scope.job.key.innerkey) here } } }); }); my issues don’t know how access $scope.job object @ key , innerkey values came to. how can edit current item being looped over? documentation ...

javascript - Scroll Function Firing Multiple Times Instead of Once -

i trying create website automatically scrolls each section upon single scroll action. means code has check if page scrolled or scrolled down. believe code below solves problem scroll action fired more once while page scrolling. see first alert in if statement reaches 5 instead of desired 1. on matter highly appreciated. [note] using velocity.js library scroll each section within container. var page = $("#content-container"); var home = $("#home-layer-bottom"); var musicians = $("#musicians"); var athletes = $("#athletes"); var politics = $("#politics"); var bio = $("#politics"); var pages = [ home,musicians,athletes,politics,bio ]; var pagecur = 0; var lastscrolltop = 0; page.scroll(function(){ var st = $(this).scrolltop(); var pagenex = pagecur + 1; if (st > lastscrolltop){ alert(pagenex); pages[pagenex].velocity("scroll", { container: $("#content-container") }); } else { alert(pagec...

c - getting a segfault coredump when restarting the Lanczos method after 3 iterations -

so i'm working on convergence of lanczos algorithm. implemented in c language, first calculate both matrix v orthonormal associated krylov subspace, , triadiagonal symetric matrix t, after compute eigenvalues , eigen vectors of t , ritz vectors define init vector upcoming iteration if tolerance isn't reached. in while loop, verify before proceeding upcoming iteration if tolerance reached or not. program compiles, when execute segfault core dump after 3 iterations, i'm compiling -g, gdb tells me have core dump in loop computes ritz matrix (or ritz vectors matrix eigen vectors): for(int = 0 ; < n ; i++) ritz[i][k] = temp[i]; i think wrote program properly, don't know problem. i'd appreciate on guys! p.s : compile gcc -g -wall -std=c99 test.c -o test -llapacke -lm the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <flo...

node.js - Mongoose- How to reference embed document element? -

i have users.js schema embeded document array pets. each user, user can have multiple pets(usually no more 3 think). for each pet, there daily chart. many daily charts pet. have read embedded documents each array element indexed. in daily.js, how can reference pet belong populate() function? var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var schema = mongoose.schema; var userschema = new schema({ firstname: { type: string, required: true }, lastname: { type: string, required: true }, username: { type: string, required: true, unique: true }, location: string, pets: [{ name: 'string', animaltype: 'string'}], //could have more 1 pet created_at: date, updated_at: date }); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var schema = mongoose.schema; var dailyschema = new schema({ tite: string, _pet: { type: number, ref: '' }, // not sure how reference name in user.pets[#] array created_at: date, updated_at: date }); ...

css - Change background whit local hour -

this code system hour , change background image victorhora = new date if (victorhora.gethours() > 5) { imagem = 'my image. im not allowed post link'; } else if (victorhora.gethours() > 18) { imagem = 'my image. im not allowed post link'; } else { imagem = 'my image. im not allowed post link'; } </script> <script> $('body').css('background-image', 'url( + imagem + )'); </script> </head> but background don't appears think suck's this: $('body').css('background-image', 'url( + imagem + )'); can me? note: if put document.write(imagem) , link appears. you're not concatenating string. this $('body').css('background-image', 'url( + imagem + )'); should this: $('body').css('background-image', 'url( '+ imagem + ')');

Eclipse installer "Java for Windows Missing" -

i'm trying install eclipse use java, when try run installer, browser window opens , this: i have both jdk , jre installed, , path set correctly. version 1.8.0, , update number 65. need start coding school project, appreciated! just download oracle jdk 1.8 - 1 of links got below message u mentioned. dont worry message.

Character Control using Python -

i wondering if knows how import sprite , let move when pressing arrow keys in python, without using pygame, or other library. purely out of curiosity, because thinking sort of personal challenge, , that's came mind: python game, without of pygame or libtcod. possible, or need library you? i'd appreciate anyone's input on one. thanks. what comes mind using tkinter's canvas class. quite possible simple program described using bindings on class. a example of may found in mark lutz's programming python ( ), moving pics example. if don't own this, can still @ code reference downloading code using link on right side of page. path appropriat folder /pp4e-examples-1.3.1/examples/pp4e/gui/movingpics/ .

android - Google Tag Manager loads container version that is older than the default container included in the resources -

i'm using google tag manager android sdk , have run problem. both loadcontainerprefernondefault , loadcontainerpreferfresh methods download , load published version of container if lower version default container binary file have stored in application. i realize there loadcontainerdefaultonly method available semi-useful testing doesn't achieve need. my end goal able add variables container new versions of application rely on. since using container update checking cannot publish new container user's prompted update version hasn't been pushed play store yet. so long story short, there way override behavior , load container network/disk it's version greater on default container? or option use more 1 container? unfortunately signs point being design. google tag manager cares published version of container.

admob - google Adview in Android - how to set disabled in xml -

i have situation disable adview , prefer xml. adview looks in layout file: < android:id="@+id/adview" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ads:adsize="banner" ads:adunitid="ca-app-pub-12345678934343/85666666"> how can disable ? 1 way wrap around linearlayout , hide layout want disable actual network call too, there attribute in adview can use etc ? necessary xml because im going incorporate data binding turn ad on , off. how can disable ? as long don't call method load ad similar disabled. not display ad. one way wrap around linearlayout , hide layout want disable actual network call too, there attribute in adview can use etc ? it view. common attributes visibility, width, height, gravity etc applicable well. its necessary xml because im going incorporate data binding turn ad on ,...

osx - Swift/OS X - Remove Application Title Bar and Add Custom Close Button -

i'm working on little mac app want pretty specific style window. want remove application's menu bar completely, , go adding custom close button. (just little white 'x' no borders.) reason want i'm looking make application's background image cover entire window, not view controller area , gray title bar splotched above. far, window controller contains this: self.window!.titlevisibility = nswindowtitlevisibility.hidden; self.window!.titlebarappearstransparent = true self.window!.movablebywindowbackground = true all remove gray bar, buttons left were. thanks reading, appreciated. to show/hide window buttons want set visibility of nswindowbutton : these constants provide way access standard title bar buttons: enum nswindowbutton : uint { case closebutton case miniaturizebutton case zoombutton case toolbarbutton case documenticonbutton case documentversionsbutton case fullscreenbutton } so use such set visibil...

javascript - img onHover & onClick effects for navigation -

the website i'm working on: p.s. home nothing now since i've nailed onhover , onmouseout part want add navigation effects each div/img let end-user know div clicked / active when div active want change src , onmouseout means have change rest of div/img default ones using possible have multiple declarations on multiple div id in single function? i might figure out code if there possibility work currently working on: $('#orgn').click("mouseenter", function() { $(this).attr('src', 'elements/mp_onhover/origin_on.png'); }).on("mouseleave", function() { $(this).attr('src', "elements/mp_onhover/origin_off.png"); }); edit: i've tried working on 1 again, think it's beyond me coder. made jsfiddle it's not working jsfiddle link alternative link: what tried add/remove class onclick each div $("#div-origin").click( function...

xmpp - XEP-0060 pubsub auto subscribe node to other users Smack -

i implementing pubsub model achieve group chat. things working well. able create node, other users subscribe node, publish item owner or subscriber , item getting subscriber. now have requirement, owner(user creating node) should able subscribe node roster users , subscribed user start getting item publish. there way achieve this? node creation code below: configureform form = new configureform(dataform.type.submit); form.setpersistentitems(false); form.setdeliverpayloads(true); form.setaccessmodel(; form.setpublishmodel(; setsubscribers(form); leafnode node = (leafnode) manager.createnode(nodename, form); as document says possible autosubscribe node, based on access model may roster/presence/open access model.

python - AttributeError in python3 -

i want adapt this code work in persian text. i changed can seen in code bellow in english_frequency , orda changed. but, has error uppercase in line: cleaned = [ord(c) c in input.upper() if c.isupper()]. can me adapt it? from string import ascii_uppercase operator import itemgetter def vigenere_decrypt(target_freqs, input): nchars = len(ascii_uppercase) orda = ord('ا') sorted_targets = sorted(target_freqs) def frequency(input): result = [[c, 0.0] c in ascii_uppercase] c in input: result[c - orda][1] += 1 return result def correlation(input): result = 0.0 freq = frequency(input) freq.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) i, f in enumerate(freq): result += f[1] * sorted_targets[i] return result cleaned = [ord(c) c in input.upper() if c.isupper()] best_len = 0 best_corr = -100.0 # assume if there less 20 characters # per column, key's long guess in xrange(2, len(cleaned) // 20): pieces = [[] _ in xrange(i)] j, c i...

Java iCalendar invite as free in outlook -

i working on code generate calendar invite can accepted/declined in outlook. have used java icalendar generate calendar invite. my requirement is, when calendar invite accepted in outlook, should default show "free" time. current implementation, shows "busy". appreciate help! thanks! according the spec should set transp property transparent .

python - Must I always reference a variable as global in my function if I were to use it? -

firstly, it's related function: a = 3 def b(): = a+1 return returns error. isn't when local environment of b couldn't find 'a' , goes parent environment b defined, is, 'a' found 3 ? why must reference global a in order work? meaning, have when immediate parent environment global environment? because below function seems able reference parent environment: def b(): def c(): print c return c() this such common issue is in python faq : [...] when make assignment variable in scope, variable becomes local scope , shadows named variable in outer scope. since last statement in foo assigns new value x, compiler recognizes local variable. so, python sees you're assigning local variable a = .. , thinks, hey, local variable, i'm fine this. but, when bumps content of assignment ( a + 1 ) , sees same name a complains because you're trying reference before assigning it . this why following doesn...

java - Scanner.nextBigInteger(int radix) -

why code: public static void main(string[] args) { string s = "23 hello world! 3 + 3.0 = 6 "; // create new scanner specified string object scanner scanner = new scanner(s); // scan next token big integer radix 4 system.out.println("" + scanner.nextbiginteger(4)); // close scanner scanner.close(); } output 11 ? it reads first token in string 23 number in base 4. value 2 * 4 + 3 = 11 printed result.

c++ - Friend member function definition conflicts with in-class initializer -

i reading c++ primer , trapped same code in question (with little difference), question different. know there lot of similar questions, after searching around, seems no answer answer question. at beginning, code worked fine when didn't add friend member function. /* first class */ class screen { public: using pos = std::string::size_type; using content_type = char; screen() = default; screen(pos ht, pos wd, content_type c) : height(ht), width(wd), contents(ht * wd, c) {} // other inline functions omited. private: pos width = 0; pos height = 0; std::string contents; }; /* second class */ class window_mgr { public: using screen_index = std::vector<screen>::size_type; private: std::vector<screen> screens{screen(24, 80, ' ')}; // use `screen` ctor }; then, want add friend member function clear . wrote 2 versions of code according code near page 281 in book. first version uses in-class initializer init...

c# - Populate ComboBox from XML -

i'm trying populate combobox in c# using field xml file, no luck... don't know wrong here (it doesn't show anything): private void combobox1_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { xmldocument doc = new xmldocument(); doc.load("baza_de_cunostinte.xml"); var datasource = new list<persoane>(); string persoanaplacuta; foreach (xmlnode node in doc.documentelement) { string persoanaplacuta = node["persoanaplacuta"].innertext.replace("\"", ""); combobox1.items.add(persoanaplacuta); } } this xml file: <root> <persoane> <nume>"bob"</nume> <ismale>true</ismale> <varsta>30</varsta> <persoanaplacuta>"iulia"</persoanaplacuta> </persoane> <persoane> <nume>"bogdan"</nume> <ismale...

ios - How do I add a rate me button to an app that has not been released? -

so launch app app store. issue have rate app please button not know right code insert there. my fiends tried on app , said no good: does know how can fix issue? let itunesreviewpagelink = "" // go directly review page on app store if let url = nsurl(string: itunesreviewpagelink) { uiapplication.sharedapplication().openurl(url) } if app not yet released, haven't got app store link. that's impossible. in order implement functionality when app released, can use following code: swift 2 let appidstring = "app_id" // app id let reviewsurlstring = "\(appidstring)" let reviewsurl = nsurl(string:...

globalplatform - Why I can't delete unused packages from my JavaCard? -

i have gemalto top dl v2 java card. when list contents, there lot of packages loaded in card: globalplatformpro:> gp -visa2 -key 47454d5850524553534f53414d504c45 -list aid: a000000018434d00 (||) isd op_ready: security domain, card lock, card terminate, default selected, cvm (pin) management aid: a0000000620001 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000620002 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000620003 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000620101 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a000000062010101 (|....b...|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000620102 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000620201 (|....b..|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a0000000030000 (|.......|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a000000018100201 (|........|) exm loaded: (none) aid: a000000018100101 (|........|) exm loaded: (none) a000000018534441 (|.....sda|) aid: a00000015100 (|....q.|) exm loaded: (none) now, want dele...