JSP include directive tag -

jsp include directive tag:

by understanding,when include file directive tag,any change made in included file not processed unless including file recompiled. when making change in included file,the changes shown when press refresh!how possible since dint recompile including file?the changes should not shown.

i made change included file,saved , refreshed browser , change being shown!

it depends on application server using.

for reference, jsp specification states in section jsp.1.10.3:

a jsp container can include mechanism being notified if included file changes, container can recompile jsp page. however, jsp 2.2 specification not have way of directing jsp container included files have changed.

if using websphere application server, default, include via include directive not cause parent jsp recompiled if child (included jsp) has changed. if user wants behavior set "trackdependencies" jsp attribute "true" in application's web-inf/ibm-web-ext.xml file, false default.

if using tomcat, believe expected behavior when running in development mode (default) jasper 2.
tomcat docs here: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/jasper-howto.html state that:

recompile jsp when included page changes - jasper 2 can detect when page included @ compile time jsp has changed , recompile parent jsp.

if want turn off behavior believe need set development false tomcat_home/conf/web.xml file, (in jsp section of file):

<init-param>  <param-name>development</param-name>  <param-value>false</param-value> </init-param> 


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