display text file in using excel 2010 vba -

i trying display contents of text file in notepad++ on screen using line below vba. rest of vba runs , can see text file displayed in directory var, has path directory, notepad++ opens , not display file. there better way rather call shell can not seem fix or doing wrong? thank :).


'update perl variables using shell ' dim perlcommand string, perlparameters string, vardirectory string dim var string, var1 string, var2 string, var3 string  vardirectory = "n:\path\to\data\" & "2571683" & mybarcode & "_" & format(cdate(myscan), "m-d-yyyy")  var = vardirectory var1 = "sample_descriptor.txt" var2 = "c:\cygwin\home\user\test_probes8.txt" var3 = var & "\" & "output.txt" var4 = var & "\" & "list_spikeins.txt" 'match '  'call perl '  perlcommand = """c:\users\user\desktop\folder\file\perl.bat"""  perlparameters = """" & var & """" & " " & _ """" & var1 & """" & " " & _ """" & var2 & """" & " " & _ """" & var3 & """" & " " & _ """" & var4 & """"  createobject("wscript.shell").run perlcommand & "  " & perlparameters, windowsstyle, waitonreturn minuteselapsed = format((timer - starttime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss") 'seconds elapsed ' msgbox "the imagene , spike-in verification process completed in " & minuteselapsed & " minutes" & " " & "these values:", vbinformation 'notify in minutes '    call shell("c:\program files (x86)\notepad++\notepad++.exe " & "var" & "\" & "list_spikeins.txt", vbnormalfocus) ' display in notepad++ ' 


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