webpack - My WebpackPlugin "done" event keeps being triggered -
im trying write own webpackplugin. works fine (it moves generated files, , combines those).
it listens 'done' event of webpack compiler. following happens:
compiler.plugin('done', (stats) => { //dont continue when there build errors if(stats.compilation.errors && stats.compilation.errors.length) return; //yet code gets triggered continously, while webpack outputs asset information once.
- the event triggered once after succesfull build
- the event triggered once after introduce code error
- the event keeps being triggered continuously after remove error
the loader i'm using ts-loader. normal behaviour should seek resolution digging loader?
im trying find different event, emit
exact same thing happens. i'm trying investigate info in stats see if can detect no new assets or files created, can't seem find yet.
any tips?
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