c# - Reading a file, write to diffrent table if (streamwriter =...) -
i've got little problem readin file datagridviews (3 more specific).
using (streamreader sr = new streamreader(fn)) { string[] datarow; int tableno=0; colt = sr.readline(); console.out.writeline(colt); if (colt == "@table") { tableno++;//here tableno equals 1 colt = sr.readline(); // console.out.writeline(colt); // console.out.writeline(tableno); } switch (tableno) { case 1: columns = colt.split(';'); count = columns.length; foreach (string c in columns) { table1.columns.add(c, typeof(string)); } while (!sr.endofstream) { rowt = sr.readline(); if (rowt == "@table") break; //here program supposed break case, go , increase tableno datarow = rowt.split(';'); table1.rows.add(datarow); } datagridview1.datasource = table1; sr.close(); break; case 2: columns = colt.split(';'); count = columns.length; foreach (string c in columns) { table2.columns.add(c, typeof(string)); } while (!sr.endofstream) { rowt = sr.readline(); if (rowt == "@table") break; datarow = rowt.split(';'); table2.rows.add(datarow); } datagridview2.datasource = table2; sr.close(); break; case 3: columns = colt.split(';'); count = columns.length; foreach (string c in columns) { table3.columns.add(c, typeof(string)); } while (!sr.endofstream) { rowt = sr.readline(); if (rowt == "@table") break; datarow = rowt.split(';'); table3.rows.add(datarow); } datagridview3.datasource = table3; sr.close(); break; } } }
my text file looking like:
@table k1;k2;k3 .... .. @table k1;k4 .. .. @table k1;k5
and after running code, data appearing in gridview1. variable tableno didn't want increase. have idea?
you can make existing code work creating while loop inside using
scope streamreader
, , stop closing reader after completing table table (the reader closed using
statement, unnecessary anyway). problem @ moment see start of next table or end of old 1 (different in answer , question..) break out of reading loop table, there's nothing change flow "go up" , start working on next one, it'll exit method @ point.
however, should more fundamentally change approach it's repetitive. @ moment you've got 3 tables, if had n tables? it's bad practice repeat code, maintenance, testing , extensibility perspective. if format of file changes example, you're going have change in 3 places, , test 3 times as if you'd written once.
here's example of how write handle number of tables , re-use same logic read each table:
private list<datatable> readdatatables(string filename) { list<datatable> tables = new list<datatable>(); datatable currenttable = null; using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(filename)) { while (!reader.endofstream) { var currentline = reader.readline(); // next line file if (string.isnullorwhitespace(currentline)) continue; // ignore blank rows // skip rows marking end of table, reset current table if (currentline.startswith("@endtable", stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase)) { currenttable = null; continue; } // initialize new table if (currentline.startswith("@table", stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase)) { currenttable = new datatable(); tables.add(currenttable); // initialise columns var columns = reader.readline().split(new char[] { ';' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); foreach (var column in columns) currenttable.columns.add(column, typeof(string)); continue; } if (currenttable == null) continue; // file not in format expecting // add data row var datarow = currenttable.newrow(); datarow.itemarray = currentline.split(new char[] { ';' }); currenttable.rows.add(datarow); } } return tables; }
you use button click event handler follows;
var tables = readdatatables(filename); datagridview1.datasource = tables[0]; datagridview2.datasource = tables[1]; datagridview3.datasource = tables[2];
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