Do-while loop to erase cells with certain values in Excel -

i want delete cells have '+' , '-' in d column. i've tried following macro, thought work, nothing happens.

 sub dowhile4()  'replace blank spaces underscores in range of cells, using vba loops; or 'remove       blank spaces in range of cells, using vba loops.   dim icell range  dim textstring string  dim n integer  'icell cell in specified range contains textstring 'textstring text in cell in blank spaces replaced 'underscores. n position of blank space(s) occurring in textstring   each icell in activesheet.range("d2:d34")      textstring = icell      n = instr(textstring, "+")      'the vba instr function returns position of first occurrence of string within     'another string. using determine position of first blank space in      'textstring.       while n > 0          textstring = left(textstring, n - 1) & right(textstring, len(textstring) - n)          'this line of code remove blank spaces in            'textstring           n = instr(textstring, "+")      loop      icell = textstring  next   end sub 

what doing wrong?

try clear out values if cell contains either + or -

option explicit  sub dowhile4()  'replace blank spaces underscores in range of cells, using vba loops; or 'remove blank spaces in range of cells, using vba loops.   dim icell range  dim textstring string  dim n integer  dim hasplus boolean  dim hasminus boolean  'icell cell in specified range contains textstring 'textstring text in cell in blank spaces replaced 'underscores. n position of blank space(s) occurring in textstring   each icell in activesheet.range("d2:d34")      textstring = icell      'reset our boolean variables each iteration      hasplus = false      hasminus = false      if instr(textstring, "+") > 0 hasplus = true      if instr(textstring, "-") > 0 hasminus = true      'the vba instr function returns position of first occurrence of string within     'another string. using determine position of first blank space in     'textstring.       if hasplus or hasminus icell.value = vbnullstring   next   end sub 


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