How to judge whether two addresses are in same page or not in Windows? -

specifically, if @ different time, read addresses pointed esp register(containing stack top address), how judge 2 addresses in same page or not? believe these addresses physical addresses rather virtual addresses,right?the 2 readings might come different processes. how windows page allocation?

added:maybe got it. if use 4kb page, mean addresses 0x....xxxx0000 0x....xxxx1000 in same page?

you got right. idea sound, range 0x????0000 0x????0fff. if use dword_ptr or ulong_ptr mask out lower 12bit (ptr & 0xfff) , compare 2 pointer values got. ulong_ptr , dword_ptr should work both on x64 , x86.

keep in mind system using huge pages. make sure use getnativesysteminfo and/or getsysteminfo respectively. looking value of dwallocationgranularity in system_info structure.

all of true within same process memory space only.

concerning question physical addresses: no, repeat no, user mode process gets see actual physical addresses unless driver or kernel screws up.

assuming talking addresses in dlls cannot make proper assumptions shared pages starting vista , aslr feature.


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