Upload image path to server android json -

i have tried lot of examples , watched many videos , done stackoverflow, not getting want.

1] want upload image path server . 2] php query required image of type file, cant send string. need upload image file path. know how send string , decode image.but have no idea how send image file path , image.

plz me this,i in big trouble.

things have tried :

  private static final int pick_from_camera = 1;     private static final int pick_from_file = 2;     private string imgpath = null;      private uri mimagecaptureuri;      private string encodedimage;   @override     public void onclick(view v) {         //  onregisterbuttonclick();                   imgpath = null;                 intent intent = new intent();                 intent.settype("image/*");                 intent.setaction(intent.action_pick);                 startactivityforresult(                         intent.createchooser(intent, "complete action using"),                         pick_from_file);        }   public void oncreatecontextmenu(contextmenu menu, view v,                                     contextmenuinfo menuinfo) {         super.oncreatecontextmenu(menu, v, menuinfo);         menu.setheadertitle("select action");         menu.add(0, v.getid(), 0, "from camera");         menu.add(0, v.getid(), 0, "from gallery");     }      protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {         if (resultcode != result_ok)             return;          if (requestcode == pick_from_file) {              mimagecaptureuri = data.getdata();              imgpath = getrealpathfromuri(mimagecaptureuri); // gallery              log.d("image path", imgpath.tostring());              bitmapfactory.options options = new bitmapfactory.options();             options.insamplesize = 5;             bitmap b = bitmapfactory.decodefile(imgpath, options);              if (imgpath == null) {                 imgpath = mimagecaptureuri.getpath(); // file manager             }             if (imgpath != null) {                 // ivprofile.setimagebitmap(b);                  // rotate(ivprofile, 270);                  exifinterface ei = null;                 try {                     ei = new exifinterface(imgpath);                 } catch (ioexception e1) {                     // todo auto-generated catch block                     e1.printstacktrace();                 }                 int orientation = ei.getattributeint(                         exifinterface.tag_orientation,                         exifinterface.orientation_normal);                  switch (orientation) {                     case exifinterface.orientation_rotate_180:                         rotate(ivprofile, 180);                         ivprofile.setimagebitmap(rotatebitmap(b, 180));                          break;                     case exifinterface.orientation_rotate_270:                         rotate(ivprofile, 270);                         ivprofile.setimagebitmap(rotatebitmap(b, 270));                          break;                  }                  try {                     getbase64string(b);                 } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                  /*   utils.showalert(this, "please select local gallery pics.",                             false);*/                 }             }         } else if (requestcode == pick_from_camera) {              if (imgpath == null) {                 imgpath = mimagecaptureuri.getpath(); // file manager              }              bitmapfactory.options options = new bitmapfactory.options();             options.insamplesize = 5;             bitmap b = bitmapfactory.decodefile(imgpath, options);              if (imgpath != null) {                 ivprofile.setimagebitmap(b);                 // rotate(ivprofile, 270);                 try {                     getbase64string(b);                 } catch (exception e) {                    // utils.showalert(mcontext, "out of memory", false);                     e.printstacktrace();                 }             }         }      }      private bitmap rotatebitmap(bitmap b, int orientation) {         // todo auto-generated method stub          matrix matrix = new matrix();         switch (orientation) {             case exifinterface.orientation_normal:                 return b;             case exifinterface.orientation_flip_horizontal:                 matrix.setscale(-1, 1);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_rotate_180:                 matrix.setrotate(180);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_flip_vertical:                 matrix.setrotate(180);                 matrix.postscale(-1, 1);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_transpose:                 matrix.setrotate(90);                 matrix.postscale(-1, 1);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_rotate_90:                 matrix.setrotate(90);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_transverse:                 matrix.setrotate(-90);                 matrix.postscale(-1, 1);                 break;             case exifinterface.orientation_rotate_270:                 matrix.setrotate(-90);                 break;             default:                 return b;         }         try {             bitmap bmrotated = bitmap.createbitmap(b, 0, 0, b.getwidth(),                     b.getheight(), matrix, true);             b.recycle();             return bmrotated;         } catch (outofmemoryerror e) {             e.printstacktrace();             return null;         }      }      @suppresswarnings("deprecation")     public string getrealpathfromuri(uri contenturi) {         string[] proj = { mediastore.images.media.data };         cursor cursor = managedquery(contenturi, proj, null, null, null);         if (cursor == null)             return null;         int column_index = cursor                 .getcolumnindexorthrow(mediastore.images.media.data);         cursor.movetofirst();         return cursor.getstring(column_index);     }      public boolean oncontextitemselected(menuitem item) {         if (item.gettitle() == "from camera") {             imgpath = null;             intent intent = new intent(mediastore.action_image_capture);              file file = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(),                     "tmp_avatar_" + string.valueof(system.currenttimemillis())                             + ".jpg");             mimagecaptureuri = uri.fromfile(file);              try {                 intent.putextra(android.provider.mediastore.extra_output,                         mimagecaptureuri);                 this.setrequestedorientation(activityinfo.screen_orientation_portrait);                 intent.putextra("return-data", true);                  startactivityforresult(intent, pick_from_camera);             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         } else if (item.gettitle() == "from gallery") {             imgpath = null;             intent intent = new intent();             intent.settype("image/*");             intent.setaction(intent.action_pick);             startactivityforresult(                     intent.createchooser(intent, "complete action using"),                     pick_from_file);         } else {             return false;         }         return true;     }      public string getbase64string(bitmap path) throws exception {         bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();          path.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 50, baos);          byte[] bitearray = baos.tobytearray();          encodedimage = base64.encodetostring(bitearray, base64.default);          return encodedimage;     }      private void rotate(view iv, float degree) {         final rotateanimation rotateanim = new rotateanimation(0.0f, degree,                 rotateanimation.relative_to_self, 0.5f,                 rotateanimation.relative_to_self, 0.5f);          rotateanim.setduration(0);         rotateanim.setfillafter(true);         iv.startanimation(rotateanim);     } 

and have set encodedimage parameters , send server,but not working

you can use http mime library(preferable 4.3.3) , http post upload file server.
php server recognize image file required in case.
have created class helps me upload image or file server

public class fileuploadhelper extends asynctask<void, void, void> {      private multipartentitybuilder multipartentity;     private string url;      public fileuploadhelper(string url) {         multipartentity = multipartentitybuilder.create();         this.url = url;     }      @suppresslint("trulyrandom")     @override     protected void doinbackground(void... arg0) {         try {             multipartentity.addtextbody("<your string key>", "<string value>");              multipartentity.setmode(httpmultipartmode.browser_compatible);              httpclient httpclient;             httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();              httpclient.getconnectionmanager().closeexpiredconnections();             httppost httppost = new httppost(url);             httppost.setentity(multipartentity.build());              httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);             int responsecode = response.getstatusline().getstatuscode();              string serverresponse = entityutils.tostring(response.getentity());         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return null;     }      public void addfile(string key, file newfile) throws filenotfoundexception {         if (newfile.exists()) {             multipartentity.addbinarybody(key, newfile);         } else {             throw new filenotfoundexception("no file found @ path " + newfile.getpath());         }     } } 

to use class create object of fileuploader class, call addfile() function , call execute() class extends asynctask. in code have file object

file file = new file(environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(),                     "tmp_avatar_" + string.valueof(system.currenttimemillis())                             + ".jpg"); 

just pass object addfile().

hope you


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