php - Implement secure login in Codeigniter test with Wireshark -

today try test website build codeigniter. try check using wireshark (for network administrator). in traffic, still see username , password login. maybe ideas solve problem. maybe else have problem too.

here controller

 public function val()   {       $this->form();           if($this->form_validation->run()==false)       {         $this->load->view('form_login_val');       }else       {        $username = $this->input->post('username');        $password = $this->input->post('password');         $cek = $this->m_login->takevalidator($username, $password );        if($cek <> 0)             {               $this->session->set_userdata('validator_status', true);                                                 redirect('home/validate');             }         else             {              $this->session->set_flashdata('gagal_login', "username atau password yang anda masukkan salah.");                redirect('reff/val');                     }       }     } 


as has been mentioned in comments, if don't want these fields sent unencrypted, must use https/ssl; on unencrypted connection, post no more secure get.

for more details, see question: how secure http post?


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