403 Forbidden issue using Rally rest api for java -


we using rallyresttoolkitforjava retrieve details. code working seems have interim issues 403 forbidden exception .we able hit service , retrieve details using standalone java program , web app. using api key concept authentication. interim facing issue , impacting stability , definite problem stability. appreciated

//using rally rest api, url need http proxy rallyrestapi restapi = new rallyrestapi(rallydevurl, apikey); uri uri = new uri(httpproxyurl); restapi.setproxy(uri, proxyuser, proxypassword);  restapi.setapplicationname(rallyappname); queryrequest projects = new queryrequest("projects"); projects.setfetch(new fetch(projectarraylist))); queryresponse queryresponse = restapi.query(projects); // fails here.. 

is possible 403 on end? weird going on proxy? it's worth following rally support see if can see 403s in our logs or not.


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