git commit -v: how to hide not staged file list in verbose commit message? -
i have couple of unruly configuration repos, keeping worktree clean difficult due falling behind on recording needed updates. means ton of files unstaged changes.
this messes git commit -v
output, because diff want see while writing commit message way @ bottom.
stashing before committing not option, because live apps may watching configuration files , may confused when flip between states.
how rid of "changes not staged commit" section?
since temporary problem, offer temporary solution.
git commit
in 1 window, git diff --staged
in another.
(i "temporary", normal workflow. find working git diff
more useful scrolling around in editor between looking @ diff , editing commit message. use git commit -v
well, verification i'm committing right thing.)
alternatively, add sufficient lines .git/info/exclude
(not .gitignore
) suppress bulk of unstaged changes you're not working on. suggest .git/info/exclude
avoid accidentally committing it. work through backlog, remove bunches of ignore lines give new chunks work on.
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