php - Is there any better way to fill form input values in the above search form? -
i have search form below 1 field
{!! form::open(array('method' => 'post', 'action' => 'customercontroller@searchcustomers', 'class' => "form-horizontal form-label-left")) !!} {!! csrf_field() !!} <input type="text" class="form-control" name="customer"> <button type="submit">search</button> {!! form::close() !!}
below code in controller
$allcustomers = \app\models\customer_model ::where('customer', 'like', '%'.$customer.'%') ->get(); return view('customer.list', array('allcustomers' => $allcustomers));
what trying ?
when form submitted search, in view , should able view keyword again in textbox. doing below.
return view('customer.list', array('allcustomers' => $allcustomers, 'key' => $customer));
and in form, doing below.
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="customer" value="{{$key}}">
is there better way fill form input values in above search form ?
i think correct approach checking if key present in request using input inline check $request->input('key', null)
, if return null, else return key, check code bellow.
controller :
public function index(request $request) { $key = $request->input('key', null); $allcustomers = \app\models\customer_model ::where('customer', 'like', '%'.$customer.'%')->get(); return view('customer.list', compact('allcustomers', 'key')); }
view :
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="customer" value="{{is_null($key)?'':$key}}">
hope helps.
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