jquery - Target for Hover to an already Hovered element -

i trying accomplish hover effect in when div hover tick mark appeared using following code:

#asked-question-answers .question.ref-ans:hover::before{     content: '\e8a7';     speak: none;     display: inline-block;     font: normal normal normal 24px/1 'material-design-icons';     text-rendering: auto;     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;     transform: translate(0,0);     position: absolute;     left: 20px;     margin-top: 20px;     font-size: 34px;     color: #ccc; } 

this above code doing

now want apply hover selected on tick mark using following(failed try) code gray tick becomes green:

#asked-question-answers .question.ref-ans::before:hover{     color: green; } 

as mentioned paulie_d , cbroe, not able define hover action on pseudo elements. can instead create tick mark absolute positioned element in html markup opacity:0;.

 #asked-question-answers .question.ref-ans #tickmark {       position: absolute;       top: ...;       left: ...;       opacity: 0;       // other styling } 

on hover action on parent element, can change opacity this:

#asked-question-answers .question.ref-ans:hover #tickmark {       opacity: 1; } 

for tick mark itself, can define hover action this:

#tickmark:hover {       color: green; } 

remember can specify acceptable type of selector instead of #tickmark.


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