Powershell - Parsing a result text file to a .CSV file -
i'm new powershell , need guidance, please. trying read text file below , create custom .csv file allow easy database managing.
currently have tried using:
attempt #1
get-content d:\parsingproject\cdmv3\cdmv3.txt $sequentialread = $array | select-string -pattern "sequential read :" $sequentialreadresults = $sequentialread -split "sequential read :" $csvcontents = @() # create empty array csv file $row = new-object system.object # create object append array $row | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name "seuqential reads" -value $sequentialreadresults $csvcontents += $row # append new data array $csvcontents | export-csv -path d:\parsingproject\cdmv3\mycsv.csv
attempt # 2 (this 1 incomplete)
$input_path = 'd:\parsingproject\cdmv3\cdmv3.txt' $output_file = 'd:\parsingproject\cdmv3\cdmv3_scores.txt' $regex = ‘[a-z\s]+[a-z]+[:\s}+[\d]+.[0-9]+\s[a-za\/]{1,4}’ select-string -path $input_path -pattern $regex -allmatches | %{$_.matches} | %{$_.value} > $output_file
are either option 1 or 2 going in right direction i'm trying do?
thanks in advanced, appreciated. =)
text file:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- crystaldiskmark 3.0.3 x64 (c) 2007-2013 hiyohiyo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * mb/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [sata/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s] sequential read : 135.091 mb/s sequential write : 126.046 mb/s random read 512kb : 44.569 mb/s random write 512kb : 117.965 mb/s random read 4kb (qd=1) : 0.468 mb/s [ 114.4 iops] random write 4kb (qd=1) : 8.412 mb/s [ 2053.6 iops] random read 4kb (qd=32) : 0.654 mb/s [ 159.6 iops] random write 4kb (qd=32) : 10.751 mb/s [ 2624.7 iops] test : 1000 mb [c: 7.3% (64.9/889.4 gb)] (x5) date : 2015/12/09 22:06:02 os : windows 8.1 [6.3 build 9600] (x64)
expected output in csv (without ------)
------column1-----------------------------column2----------column3 row1-subtest----------------------------mb/s-------------iops row2-sequential read :----------------135.091 mb/s row3 random read 4kb (qd=1) :--0.468 mb/s---114.4 iops
ok, regex works fine here think. let's try now...
get-content d:\parsingproject\cdmv3\cdmv3.txt |where{$_ -match "^(.*?) : (.+? mb\/s)( \[.*)?$"}|foreach{ [pscustomobject]@{ 'subtest'=$matches[1] 'mb/s'=$matches[2] 'iops'=if($($matches[3])){$matches[3].trim(' []') } } } | export-csv d:\parsingproject\cdmv3\mycsv.csv -notype
that match regex defined here, createa custom object based on matches found, , convert array of objects csv file this:
subtest mb/s iops sequential read 135.091 mb/s sequential write 126.046 mb/s random read 512kb 44.569 mb/s random write 512kb 117.965 mb/s random read 4kb (qd=1) 0.468 mb/s 114.4 iops random write 4kb (qd=1) 8.412 mb/s 2053.6 iops random read 4kb (qd=32) 0.654 mb/s 159.6 iops random write 4kb (qd=32) 10.751 mb/s 2624.7 iops
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